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August 17, 2015
Last visited
September 30, 2023
Everything posted by IrishMist
Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. Such BS
Can you get thru with inboards? I've got a 28" draft
Thanks for great report. We all need to share more regularly and in real time. I'd share more, if I caught fish more 😪
How far behind ball were you running your flashers and the spoons?
Thanks again!
How is the access this summer? Depth? I heard it finally got dredged off season. Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Now is the time Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Complete package - includes head, probe, transducer cable, power cord and mounting bracket. Some outer covering of the transducer cable is worn where it went thru hull. $250 Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
OK. Thanks. I'm having my marina mechanic doing the install and will hope he does it right. I'm not real comfortable sawing holes in the bottom of my boat. I will relay the suggestions.
Have you had an opportunity to evaluate the B60 performance much yet?
Old Mag10A motor replacement or rebuild
Thank you. That would be great Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I don't have a picture available, but likely it's discontinued. It's the pre-2006 model. Fish307 doesn't even have them. It's sad because they're in such good condition otherwise. Huge expense to have to replace entire downrigger. Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Can the motors be replaced? I've got 4 old ones and they're slower and slower every year. Everything else is in great working condition. Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Anyone do repairs/refurbish the old Mag10a downriggers? Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
How is the inlet to Sandy Pond? It was supposedly dredged over the winter. Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I heard this boat is still for sale. Is that correct?
Did you get it installed and try it out yet? Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'm looking to replace transducer on my Lowrance HDS9. Any recommendations? Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'm looking to replace transducer on my Lowrance HDS9. Any recommendations? Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Sandy Pond Inlet Dredging commences. Thank you Senator Patty Ritchie, Assemblyman Mark Walczyk and Assembly Republican Leader Will Barclay and NYSDEC for your attention to getting this done. Remember them when you vote November 3rd. http://www.oswegocountynewsnow.com/news/north-sandy-pond-dredging-underway/article_53f4091e-fddd-11ea-91e5-7b6631f49e1c.html Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Similar. That looks like an older one. Thanks, but I already found one. Appreciate your response. Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Anyone have a spare old style probe they'd like to sell? East end of Lake O.
Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Any reports on water temp off the Salmon River to Sandy Pond? Was off 9Mile last evening - surface temp was as low as 42°F in 80' and down temp was 37°F from 20' down to the bottom down to 120'. Strong offshore wind but Never seen it like that before this time of year Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Where did you have them rebuilt? How much did that cost?
Do you still have these? What is current price?