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September 17, 2015
Last visited
May 29, 2024
Everything posted by Mjnoff21
What time do you fish until typically?
Fishers in the mix as well
Have gotten a lot of bobcat activity in my neck of the woods lately. Usually only 1 pic a year but seem to have pair hanging around now
What kind of light is on your scope or what would you recommend to someone trying to get into predator hunting ?
I got bit in may and came down with Lyme in July. Not fun. Brutal fever for 5 days straight and broke out in a whole body rash.
I know it’s not scent friendly but the permethrin clothes spray works wonders. Won’t go in the woods without it now
Only fished from 3-5pm. No action
Found a planer board last night 9/17, coming back into the state launch at Mexico point.
No name on it. Message me what you lost and I’ll send it back.
Any king reports outta Oswego this week? Thinking of heading out tomorrow
Responded back to you. Thanks
I targeted the shallow rocky bottom at dusk a few time last week trolling with shallow challengers and bay rats. 8-14ft in the bays with success. Purple and black seemed to be the ticket.
Trolled 730 to 9 last night in shallow. 2 keepers, 1 was 21.5 and a big bowfin. Was a beautiful night.
#2 - 22in Amish outfitter buggy bags. Used once. Too big for my boat. Need 15in or 18in. Will sell for cost of new 15in bags, $55 a piece shipped or local pickup near Syracuse
Didn’t really seems to matter on Sunday. Typical spring brown pattern. We went 11/12. Caught fish in 9ft and caught fish in 30ft. Trolled the east shore from Mexico point launch to salmon river and back past Mexico point to the west to catfish and caught fish everywhere in between. Only thing we didn’t get was anything of size. All in the 18-24in range
Where are you headed? Thinking of hitting chaumont myself.
I have access to a boat docked in mud bay near cape Vincent and would like to try salmon fishing from there. Does anyone fish the area west of grenadier island towards the shipping lanes? Or better to run a little more south towards Gallo? Would prefer the 5mile run due west from mud bay as opposed to a 10mile run to gallo. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Appreciate the info! Will post my results. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Headed to Cayuga for the first time next week. Staying near sheldrake and will probably be launching outta deans. Have all the necessary gear for trolling, with riggers, copper and fish hawk. If anyone feels like sharing any general info on how to approach fishing the lake for the first time I would appreciate it. I’m sure it’s nothing out of the ordinary but any info helps! Thanks in advance Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Does anyone use panoptix with their garmin echomap for salmon? Wondering how that would work with a transom mount looking behind the boat? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Waded out in north bay tonight. Quick flurry right after sunset then nothing. Got a nice 22in Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Great job! Anyone getting out wading at night ? Went out of Taft bay last Tuesday, not much action Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Any update outta Mexico this morning? Getting a late start but will be heading out soon Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app