Yuh and I was looking forward to spring just as much as you I know! Possibly see you next weekend Todd at the flea market Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Has anyone tried going back out deep into the shipping lane to see if there are any out there still?? May not be nature kings out there but smaller skippy's are good too! Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Yes Matt Todd said you guys didn't have much luck out there the last 2 days! Strange with all those marks that nothing is biting! Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Has anyone tried trolling the black river bay yet you see if the kings are in there yet? I am hearing that the trench is not producing any bites even down where the temps are. Unless someone else is having better luck in the trench I may try the black river bay later in the morning with J-plugs Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Well on my way home from work I had some errunds in Watertown and I go through Dexter to get home on pillar point. As I was crossing the bridge in Dexter I noticed that there was alot of people on the shore at the state launch and a few people on the high wall of the old bridge. I think they are already up the black river by this sign?? Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
That is pretty strange Matt! So are there still any fish to be found out in the trench? Did they go back out deep because of the temps? Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
We just came through Dexter on our way way back from moving Devin into college at MVCC and I didn't see any jumping or any one standing on the high wall like they usually do. I don't think they are into Dexter just quite yet, or at least not in big numbers. Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
This weekend looks like one of the first weekends all summer that both Saturday and Sunday will be nice days out on the lake! Now if the storm we had doesn't affect the fishing too terrible. Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I have my boat set up exactly as you do Mike! This method works great for me every year. Way easier than trying to use tube down the dipstick tube. Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Are the salmon mostly still out by the shipping lanes or have they came in off the tip of the finger by the trench? Hoping to make it out on Sunday morning weather permitting to try west of the finger if they are there. Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'm not sure I know but if they both support NMEA2000 networking then maybe they can share data. I found this chart on Hummingbird website. Maybe this can help but I don't see the helix 5 listed on the chart
JTowne I realized what days you were talking about! I was more talking about myself not going out this weekend due to the weather. Yes this week was a good week to be out on the water. Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
This weekend does not look good for fishing on the lake! No way I will go out in 3-7ft waves with my boat. Maybe a sick day in store for Tuesday for me when the lake lays down! Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I agree the farther away the rigger is from the battery the current draw properties change dramatically also. A shorter wire lead may have a resistance of lets say less than 120 ohms whereas a longer wire may be 240 ohms. Using ohms law which is Current =resistance/ voltage , a 120 ohm wire divided by a 12volt source would give you a 10Amp draw where if you double the 120ohms to 240 ohms on the wire you will have a 20 amp draw on your wires! Loose connections do the same thing to the current draw because it decreases the resistance( ohms increase) therefore current increases for the same amount of voltage.
Lowrance Globalmap 5200C GPS not working
I have an older Lowrance Globalmap 5200C that the GPS puck is not repsonding anymore. I have hummingbird GPS puck but it has different connectors. I am curious if anyone knows if I can link the Hummingbird through the NMEA connectors on the Lowrance? A new puck for the Lowrance is close to two hundred dollars. I can buy a new complete lower end Lowrance fish/GPS combo with internal GPS for less than $200. Do the new Lowrance like the Hook-4 allow use of the Navionics card?
Is there a cheaper version like the SA-320 GPS that will work and what do I need to hook this up to my Globalmap 5200C? I want to find out somehow if it is my unit that is bad or is it the GPS puck that is bad and needs a new one.
I don't want to sound cheap , but I don't want to spend a lot of money getting this unit working again if I can buy a newer unit and serve the same purpose. I am on a limited budget with a teenager going into college this fall.
Any insight from the guys that know these units well would be greatly appreciated.
I was at the NYS fair in Syracuse one year and my vehicle was moved from where I was parked and I couldn't find it when I went to go leave. I went to the troopers that were there and filed a complaint and description of my car and licence plate. Within a half hour they found my car after someone had seem a group of teenagers and young twenties kids breaking into vehicles and reported it. They were clever enough to use 4 wheel dollies and they moved my vehicle to the back of the lot where it was dark. The broke the windows in the back and got into the car and stole a bunch of stuff I had in there. The troopers had a high speed chase with them on I-690 and they caught 5 of the seven but I still didn't get my things back. The troopers told me that the Pawn Pro was the place my stuff would end up at back then also. Seems like the thieving idiots probably go from generation to generation in that area and have never really been caught or stopped! I was just lucky and glad my car was still able to drive back then so I could get home that late at night.
The shipping lanes produced some kings on Sunday using the stinger black Alwife with white glow on the back. Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'm going it's better tomorrow morning then. We are going to test our luck. If we can find where they ate hitting. I know where the wall at the shipping lanes are and the finger but not sure where the "mountain" is that everyone speaks of is at on the gps. Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app