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Everything posted by jk1

  1. You are welcome and we do appreciate you answers. I like the way you got your name on here. I have had some names given to me that way but most are not allowed on the internet.....ha ha......jk
  2. I too agree with cinnamon fish. "Sk8man is one of the most valuable resources of awesome, clear info on the LOU site. I've learned so much reading his posts/replies".......jk. Ps how did you two guys get your signature name? Just wondering
  3. Use wht you have faith in. Why do you want to use something new. I still have two rods riggedwith 10 pound XT from years ago. Caught a lot LOT of fish on that stuff. Yes there are better and more expensive and better this and that. but you have to have faith in your gear. I use a lot of crystal fireline also.......jk
  4. Was up there yesterday and all seems normal. No dead fish to be seen, sunnies were bedding big time and saw several decient sized bass. Lakers were biting and watched several trollers catch multiple fish. Water was still exceptionally clear and I think that they are zebra mussels that we see on the bottom. Lots of small lakers and they look healthy but nothing in their stomachs......jk
  5. We fish that area a lot amd have seen a lot of dead fish in the waters to the south. Could this be related somehow?????? The weeds also look funny too......jk
  6. Big bait = big fish. Nice catch......jk
  7. Try jigging also. You will be amazed at the fight you get on 10 pound test hand held rod. There is a lot of real REEL good advise in previous posts here on this site......jk
  8. Fishyoo, we call them bumpies. Not sure what really iis going on but sometimes if you slow the retrive a wiggle and slow retirve for 10 feet then go back to normal they will take it. Try anything to convert the bumpies into fish. we even feel that on occassions they go by slow and they hit the line with their tail but don't hit. Lots of weird stuff going on down there......jk
  9. We used to laundh at the motel a lot, weekly for two years. I am sure some one of us caused the problem. His main interest of course is the motel and some noisy people coming in to launch distrurbed his sleeping clients. He was always real nice to us and has to run his business the best way he knows. I don't know this for a fact but that is usually what happens with to sportsmen, problems caused by us. It might have been trash but I never saw any laying around. Just my thoughs on the subject = we at times are our worst enemy........jk
  10. For me at nite is to fish the windy sore. If the wind is notin my face I move till it is. Mostly rocky locations usually. big baits at nite also.......jk
  11. Boy I second your last sentence.......jk
  12. "And a fluke with no hook." What do you mean?????????
  13. jk1

    Seneca Fish Camp

    Am always looking forward to reading your post. good luck this year......jk
  14. I LIKE JIGGING!!!!!!!!.......jk
  15. Fishnet did you notice many dead fish on the bottom where you were. The futhur north you go the more dead ones you will see. We call your location our pickeral spot and see big school of sunnies crusing around there also. You mentioned Hammon Lake is that the one in Pa. Known for really good carppie fishing in the spring and ice fishing too......jk Ps will be looking for your boat, what days do you usually fish? We are both retired and go when the weather lets us go
  16. Yuckie looking----Don't eat it, at least I wouldn't......jk
  17. Peqoud I agree with you. We fish at the bluffs every week and have seen no green growth unless you are talking about the slime that we see. The water seems extra clear and all the rocks have small clam like things growing on them? Zebra mussels?? I don't know. We also see a lot of dead fish mainly sunnies but there are also bass and a few lakers dead. The main location of most dead are just south of the Swiss Resturant, a lot of sunnies. What is up?????? Big schools of sunnies but no beds and the temp is right at 50 degrees last time up. Cold and windy.......jk
  18. Never saw such a thing. What a sham they are nice sized fish you have there....jk
  19. Check the weather there are storms coming up.....jk
  20. Ihave not seen any temp over 40 yet......jk
  21. I almost always jig. Ten pound test crystal fireline(so you can see it with 10ish feet of leader and 1 1/2 ounce jig. Some days the metal lure jigs works best other it is the tube jigs, most people say white but we use all colors. You need a depth finder that you can see your jigs in 130 feet of water and a good electric motor to hold you over the fish. For us most of our fish we see reacting to the lure. A lot of the fish want the jig sitting on the bottom, just a slight movement , I like to think I am just rolling it over side. they will pick it up off the bottom at times. Then jig it a bit and then retrive it, if you see one coming in pull it up faster and faster DO NOT SLOW down. You can occasionally see them hit it, that makes it more fun. I use my mitchell with 150 yards of line and with the big jig you have to try to horse them up. If they turn and get any slack line the wieght of the jig, you will loose them. Good luck, they hit great......jk Read gators post again!!!
  22. jk1

    Cayuga Cayuga 4/9/18

    Glad you had a good trip with nice weather. It is snowing here all morning........jk
  23. Thank you, I am in Pa and do not have the book and could not find it either....jk
  24. Can you use perch and sunnies that you caught in the same lake that you caught them for bait?????
  25. Sorry I am from the stone age. I posted on 22 March for "flutter cleos" and got them. I tried to mark it closed but only get to the first edit stage when the next page comes up and it looks just like yours, I see no place where it says either prefix tab or another edit. can you close it for me......jk THANKS
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