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Everything posted by phil2

  1. phil2


    Mines a inboard.
  2. phil2


    Well I did it like a dink. Had a friend look at the boat I bought to make sure it was ok. He has owned 3 so i took his word in the purchase. Well the survey dink the previous owner had drilled holes from one end of stringer right back the other side. Never sealed Any of them. Well you guessed it! Rotten!! Grabbed my drill where there were no holes its fine. So I'm screwed. Deciding in how safe it is and if I can get the summer out of it and get fixed in the fall.
  3. Got the kicker running like at top. Ran like crap at first until I took out the e choke and made sure it was plugged in all the way. Ran great after that. Let it run in gear for a half hr or so. Going to put 50 gallons in it next week and run it.
  4. Not 100% sure he said he drained the tanks before he stored it. Its sitting nose up on the trailer so I don't think there is enough in there to read. Hoping anyways
  5. They are pretty empty I added 10 gallons of 91 and gauge still reads empty.
  6. She is alive!! The 454 rocks! 0421181414.mp4
  7. I got the 1199 thinking of taking out the lowrance and putting in a 997c there. Might set that up on a shoot threw hull. I just don't know where to put it with a inboard.
  8. Got some more work done this weekend. Had my friend over and rewired the main panel and shuffled electronics around to fit the 10 in bird.the carb for the kicker is getting cleaned i can't wait!!
  9. Put 10 gallons to her today started the 454 for the first time after some spit and sputters she came to life and idled for a bit. Had freshwater pump off didn't want to get carried away.the t 9.9 was a different story getting going but finally ran. It won't idle so carb cleaning in the am. Bowl was dirty and screen pretty much plugged. But for sitting since 2011 I'm happy!! New impeller for pump and let run for a while oil change then hopefully fishing next weekend!!
  10. Top pic is a si transducer and bottom is back of a 840. Hope these help
  11. The one on the left is the power and other is for something else?? I have and had a 997, 1197,1198 and now 1199 and never seen the round plug. Looks like a plug for a fishhawk 840
  12. The rod holders? Interested!
  13. Ok got another question. Back by the rudder is a small can the size of a small coffee can with a air pressure guage. What's it for and what pressure should it be? Looked for it online can't find it.
  14. Fishhawk and old 350a
  15. Tv is mounted weightpoints are added and map card ready for water soon!!
  16. Ok thanks guys
  17. Ok so if I have a mag at 250 I run the high diver 200 or less.
  18. Ok have the boat to do it. But how do you run two per side??? U usually run a reg or mostly a mag on 45 lb power pro.always wondered how without a wrapped mess.
  19. Warm up Allready!! Getting inpatient!!
  20. Got ya !! its nice to have a leaning rail..
  21. Here's another! I have been deciding to take the rail off the back and running riggers and rod holders right to the glass. Should I or keep it the way it is? Its nice to have something to drill to but think it will be a pain to work over.
  22. Yup it does my old 1197c I ran on 200
  23. Just installed a 1199 10 in hummingbird. Am I going to get interference the way I mounted the transducer? Its really the only side I can mount because of the kicker bracket. And am I ok on height? Thanks
  24. Questions time!!! Ok #1 boat has kicker and nav something tr1 gold. Boat came with new john deer agm 31 series batteries. They have regular post terminals on them. Can I stack on the bolts all the other power for tr1, trim for kicker, and kicker itself? And a fishfinder! All off the terminal.. Or can I run some like the tr1 to the battery on off switch?
  25. phil2

    Bottom paint

    Its not bad but have some white showing threw. Its not flakey like paint Its more like a powder paint the y way I can explain it.
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