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Everything posted by 2lbperch

  1. That's the "I was having fun look, what the hell is the matter with you making me sit". Get some pics after first blood on the outings you have planned. I'm sure Dutch will be fine with minimal coaxing or just watching another work. No wounded divers is all. Almost lost my cousins lab as a pup going under trying to get it. I swam out and got her, I was lucky, she's retired, almost 13 now. She goes 1 or 2 times a year if she's at the door when we're loading up. Get some pics and post em' of the 1st day ducking. Good luck. I'm sure he'll get it quickly.
  2. Got a pic of the mess on the boat floor you have to be careful of kinking for guys who've never seen it. That isn't even 1/2 pulled in yet. Lost that fish anyway, the bigger ones pull the wire out right through your hands on a shake run, so much fun though.
  3. Small L's are in shallow. Start on a 100ft shelf and sort through them on the west side. 1/2 a beer action over the weekend. I drink mine somewhat quick. Rainbow 45 to 35 over 90 100 if you run a stack. A boat that will plane gets boobies to bounce I've noticed. Glad it's sorted out for now.
  4. One group was from NY, the other was from N. PA. My cousin tried for 20 minutes to get a 7-8 pounder revived with no luck waiting the 20 minutes to get out of the water. Every one of those guys power loaded the boat also. I was upset. I don't carry because of idiots like that. Ohh, and the local charter captain that threw his trout guts in the woods next to the launch, hope you fall in them next week taking a leak before sun up. Sorry for the rant. The bass guys; do they put a little non chlorinated ice in the live well to help the stress on the fish, pads around the inside of the well to not concuss the fish at the high speed they travel to the scale? Maybe their scull mask will fly off and they can catch a dragonfly in the eye for the bag of floaters dumped off the dock with a "come on buddy, swim" effort. Bacteria will be on those fish, don't swim around or touch them now.
  5. I was out of Deans Sunday. The launch had floaters everywhere. They weighed in up the hill, then made the walk down the stairs to dump the fish bags off the dock. I wouldn't be very healthy after a 60mph ride in a warm live well either. I was upset about it also.
  6. I'm a fan of the glow, box is colored like erabbit, just not as many. Probably the same if we counted fish also. The 4 on the peanut butter jar would work for me if my life depended on it. Been trying the gamblers, no big hogs for a pic yet. I'm no guide either, I'm still learning.
  7. How is Dutch? Passed out on the couch after all the blue ribbons he crushed or stole this evening? The Frick is ready to run 1/4 to 8. Nose up and angry he is on the "hooker"!
  8. With an auto reel, does it effect the method of pinching the wire in between your fingers when the fish takes a run? Or is the spring set to just enough strength to keep track of the wire? I've heard of them and seen pics, never have used one. I know I want one, a bad tangle and you are done for the day. Found a thread on here from a few years back that had a brand new one someone made. It was pricey, but very nice. Is that guy still around and able to make one? Scubalism had this one.
  9. Very interesting idea. Sounds like a good time. I will be looking at some garage sales for one. Thanks pap.
  10. Thanks, I'll get some more great lake # 4's from elmira. They catch fish. I do a haywire directly to the spoon and skip off the bottom. I usually thrust almost straight up with my stern finger from my belt to my collar and let it fall back to bottom. The thin hammered are as you described, longer than a pfluger, wider, inverted big hook. I looked, no maker, it's OK. Don't dig out all your gear. I'll wait till you announce your garage sale! I go painfully slow, that ='s hits. Just so relaxing and satisfying to fish that way now and then. Thank you for all your knowledge that you freely share to guys like me that have 1/10th of a clue on how fish without a hawk or dipsy.
  11. Thanks for the info Sk8. Can someone still find the vintage spoons? I almost get sick when I loose one of my gpas vintage ones. Been using great lakes, I only have 2 hammered chrome ones left with no mark I can find. I little longer than a #4, but very thin. Any help from you is never forgotten. Side note sk8, learned today @ a farm thing, Wisconsin makes the dairy farms get soil samples to see nitrogen holding capacity of the fields soil. They need to contact the DNR "DEC in NY lingo" with a prescription for a field, & post public notice 21 days before they spread it. The public can inquire about the effects of the spread and get involvement from the state. The Dairy has twice as many cows than people in the county. The most cows per square mile in the country.
  12. I will be checking out Roy's. Ebay one's seem like they need repair or not trustworthy. I'll look into C. Valley also. Sometimes I'm solo and hope the boat goes on course. Thanks for the info. Nice boat you grabbed w/ the twin etecs. Someday for me!
  13. That is cool! If I neglect one and leave it on the floor for too long, Frick will knock it over and drink it also. He gets it all, He likes yuengling. I see Duke is a blue ribbon dog all the way. Hope he gets the ribbon at the next trial. Nice dog.
  14. Nope, I'm android app savvy, something was messed up earlier this week on the app. Some threads I can't read at all still. Shame, Cayuga is my go if my small boat can't get on O. Wanted some good news to sleep on is all.
  15. It's great fun fighting them by hand. The big ones will take a run and you have to let wire out hand over hand. Solid copper, not braid, haven't lost my index finger yet. You get stoked if any over 10lbs makes it in the boat. So fun, wish I had a victrola box to wind the wire up. Fish on, can't move your feet or you'll have a mess in the wire. Or if the stink flops around on the wire you tried to coil somewhat orderly on the boat floor, big bummer. I've looked at your profile IV. I'm 36, only a few our age I bet ever pull copper for some stress relief.
  16. I had to type something to see the thread I hope. I'm locked out of some of the threads. Just comes up "end".
  17. All Muscle he is. You might as well get the beer in the fridge for him today. What a nice looking dog Duke grew into. Congrats.
  18. 10-4. It was cooper's marine that told me where to go. If you want to epoxy it, I have that also by the gallon. Hope my memory on the lumberyard is spot on. If not, I'm going nuts. Hope I helped some.
  19. I've got two full 1/2" sheets and lots of cut off pieces. If you can get away with using 1/2", let me know.
  20. Give Liverpool lumber a call. I believe they stock 1/2" and other marine grade ply. Called the marina on 31 in B-ville few years ago, and they directed me there, picked it right up. I've got one sheet of 1/2" maybe more. If you want to buy it off me. I'm in Red Creek area. I would epoxy the wood and give the "nemesis" treatment.
  21. Nice everything went well. He will be looking out the window to see if the boat is still hooked up tonight. If he knocks on the door with coffee & a bacon,egg cheese sandwich, I'd take him along tomorrow a.m. too.
  22. I just got done looking from the west side in the binos. Definitely breaker 4's or bigger against the 2 sailboats that are out in front.
  23. I'm 3 miles inland from FH, breezy out of the north. It was strong this morning. Seems to be calming down 10am. I would wait for Mr Clean to be sure.
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