I aired have rod holders and down riggers, a few stick baits for Browns. I have a bunch of tackle for lakers too. My lowrance elite 5 with then avionics chip should be just fine too. Just a matter of configuring everything in a good place and it not then I'll invest a few bucks to make the work.
I go north when I fish 9/10 times, I'm a bass guy that's the only reason I'm here . Just seeing if guys can be helpful. Your points are great and I do appreciate the info but I'm certainly not looking to make this my targeted fish every weekend. I have no problem spending a bit more cash to help but I won't be investing thousands to head out 8 times a year on that body of water. hope you guys don't take that the wrong way, I do appreciate everything guys are saying
Wrong ideas here, my boat is perfectly fine. I'm not going to be on LakeOntario every weekend. I'll be there twice a month IF the weather permits it. I'm not looking to become a guide service, if the impression is you need to have a couple K worth of gear That's just ridiculous. I understand regardless of the type fishing you do it isn't hard to reach a few grand but common guys, to go and spend 600-800 on some better used down riggers and maybe a few more flashers or spoons isn't much. Don't get me wrong, your hook up rate will be way higher then mine but I'm not going to be out there like some of you.
Let's just settle down on some of this, i was only looking for a few pointers to get started, go out and catch a fish or two when I do go. I'm not expecting to catch 10 fish a day
First time fishing for salmon and lakers was with a guide, myself and my brother paid for the guide to take my dad out for Father's Day (we all fish) and two weeks after that we bought manual down riggers to go on simcoe...... And it has been tough not getting out on these lakes for lakers or salmon again without a boat to handle it. The way those fish pull is something anyone can't get enough off.
The other thing is I don't keep the fish, I'm that catch and release guy on EVERYTHING I catch..... Anyone have tips on the best way of reviving these fish after a fight?
You are awesome, I really didn't think posting on forums were this helpful.
There's some Big Browns out there too.
Regardless of what you are catching, a few fish is always Better then no fish, I don't understand the guys targeting a specific Species and get upset catching something else, some of the colours on the Browns or rainbows are too good.
If you ever want to get out fishing just let me know, I'll be more then happy heading out with someone new. It's always fun trading stories over a day.
Yea, someone was telling me about the tracks I can put on the side. Something I will have to look into. I just can't wrap my head around catching these salmon in 20 feet of water. This is going to be an experience.
You are putting the ball down 15' the. Running sticks that go what? Another 5-10?
I do have a lowrance elite 5 Chirp, I'll just have to pay attention to the SOG without investing in a the hawk units.
Any suggestions on setting up the riggers? I've seen a lot of people use boards across the back of the boat, I do need something that I can remove or at least take the riggers out, 7 out of 10 days I fish are spent fishing for bass
Yea, I'm just a bit timid given it will be my first time out on Ontario so it will take some getting use to, trying to launch as close as possible to my location I'm fishing or getting the crap scared out of me once to learn my lesson. I'm sure once I start digging thru posts on here I'll get enough information for the do's and dont's.
I'm not about to run from port credit to Hamilton in a 16.5' boat in hopes good weather will hold up for a day
Can't fish on a sunken boat,
haha that's your winter boat? I just upgraded to this from a little 14' aluminum with a 9.9. It's going to take me some time to get to that level!! Nice looking boat big water. With mine being a bit smaller I just have to be a bit more careful when the weather starts to blow right
Yea you guys are great, all the info is much appreciated. I will have to do some serious digging through the posts on here, hopefully the homework over the winter will help produce some fish next season. If anyone is looking for a fishing buddy I'm usually available if I don't have plans to get out with a friend already. My boat should do well out there, it's just my riggers are cheap. I have the mini troll's with only 100' of wire. I'll need to look into some better ones for the season, if anybody is looking to sell some id be interested to see what you have.
I've only been on lake simcoe down rigging for lakers where I just slap a stick bait on a rigger and control my speed/depth so a lot of this is going to be test and tune plus a lot of learning. Is it noticeable the water colour difference? What are short cores?
I apologize for my stupidity in advance lol