Brad's cut bait is one of my favorite baits here on Lake Michigan, and can't see why they wouldn't work on LO.
I run mine mostly with a 42" leader behind an 8" Jensen dodger or a Big Al's type rotator. I've fished with guys that do well with the Alderton's rotating dodgers too. They can be run clean as well, but I've had more success behind a dodger.
My best colors are Mountain Doo, Seahawk, and Lucky charm. Had some success with Twisted Sister last year. I use garlic tuna in mine, pack them full so the tuna is bulging out, and change the tuna after every fish or if it's been soaking for 1/2 hour or more. I didn't do well with the Brad's til I switched from plain tuna to the garlic stuff. A lot of guys here make their own garlic tuna but Starkist Select roasted garlic is the stuff you want. If you like tuna you're gonna want to eat the stuff smells so good!
I've had days where I was missing most of my fish until I broke out the Brad's with garlic tuna. The tuna seems to make them commit better on those days. If you give it a fair shot in your spread you will likely not regret it.