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back on eerie 2016

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Everything posted by back on eerie 2016

  1. I am so sorry to hear this. Lean on God through this my friend.He wants you to lean on him.Loosing my dad, i thought i would go crazy, he was my only hope. If i didnt have him i would be a basket case. Prayers for you
  2. Thanks Lakebound88. i just have a few things so far to try. I will take you advice and give it a shot!
  3. what ya think it will do sunday morning? if good, lake o. if not, finger lakes
  4. i am running a 20 ft cuddy. Everytime i try lake o its is all wind.looks like sunday we have south wind coming. Think it will be bearable by then?
  5. i am running a 20 ft cuddy. Everytime i try lake o its is all wind.looks like sunday we have south wind coming. Think it will be bearable by then?
  6. putting in at watkins glen. never fished any of the finger lakes. i just moved here in febuary
  7. How has the fishing been there? going sunday and ewondered is it wort the trip? lake o just wont lay down when i am able to go.I"m at the end of my rope! i just want to catch some fish!
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