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james bonawitz

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  1. Or maybe set up some good old-fashioned petitions at some businesses and sports shops. Might just be blowing smoke but will you really should try to do something here over the winter. I'm on point peninsula and you can smell the damn things after a rain and the islands 7 or 8 miles from my camp Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  2. Does anyone know who I could direct letters to names and addresses would be greatly appreciated. That would be on the south side of the pond. American side Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  3. If the season is closed on mud chickens why don't you just leave them the hell alone. It's not like it's the only fish in the lake to catch. I'm not a big lake trout fan but really guys Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  4. Did anybody catch the Watertown newspaper or news today? My friend that lives up there said that they are it will be no oiling of the eggs or any controls for that matter on the cormorants this spring. So between the gobies and the cormorant and God only knows what else is decimating our fish populations Kama Maybe something should be addressed. Any one smarter than me have any thoughts on this Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  5. Back on June 5th I started at red called Silver's around calf. Never thought it would turn into what it did. A plethora of information and developed a couple of good fishing friends too. Would like to thank all who contributed to this it was a great help to me and I'm sure others Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  6. J plugs down 85 feet and 120 feet of water. Green ladder back. And Mountain Dew Crush flasher fly work for me today. Nice to be able to post the catch instead of another whiff Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  7. I'll never understand this silly game with salmon fishing. Had my best day of the whole trench season. We got four salmon and two mud chickens. It all happened in a flurry of about an hour and a half. I wish I was smart enough to send a picture we got one that was 29 pounds. Biggest fish of season. Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  8. Sean and I fish from 7 to noon no runs no hits no errors Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  9. Sean and I are going to give it a try wind permitting Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  10. hoping to get out this afternoon if there's a lull in the Wind. Tough Hall from Peninsula over point Peninsula over to the trench Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  11. Looks like a school of perch LOL Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  12. Well after the frustrations of the three-day weekend and seeing that pile of fish I just drove all the way up here to fish tomorrow morning. The old lady tells me I'm a sick unit LOL. If any of you out there tomorrow give me a shout on channel 68. Early birds by Handel. Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  13. Well said Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  14. I'll be out there in the morning Bobby Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  15. Ditto on thecopper. In the trench running copper on Labor Day weekend and screaming at everybody because he's running copper. Last year I had a guy drop off my to Dixie's after he turned behind me about 40 feet behind my boat. I pulled up my other lines and went over to his boat and politely let him know he was replacing everything that he just chopped off. I also told him if he didn't I had his both numbers and I would report him to the officials. His wallet came out really quick. As far as this morning's catch 04 zero again today. Tons of fish on the graph none on my poles. Somebody tell me it's just not me Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
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