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Everything posted by skinny420

  1. Red LED is the best you can get white and green spooks them faster. If you just blast them in the eyes with a high power green led they will bolt fast. Same with deer and everything else I've lit up. That green does light up the night though. White LED is not as bad if you just light above them and slowly bring it into there eye's it might be OK but red is pretty much the best it will glow there eyes way out there and not blind everything including me.
  2. Definitely ask the neighbor. That might stop it right there. Also call the police and tell them there was a problem. If you know his name give it to the police. That way they know if they are called that the guy was warned and needs to be charged with a crime. Hopefully that works. But if you here a gun shot. Run back there as you call the police. Don't let him take any deer off the land. Tag it and keep it. Have him arrested. Have him pay for any damage from driving on property and any damage he had done to the tree he put a stand on. Do not give in. Not even an inch. Press charges and be at court and make sure he pays the price.
  3. These are expensive. Even a non working one. Is there a single part you need or do you just like tinkering and having parts?
  4. Don't bother me if you buy your meat at the store or at carter whitetails. Not for me, mainly cause I dont have money like that. I'll take small does for free. I always wondered what somebody would say if I got all dressed up in camo with face paint and filmed a hunt where I walked out to the pen behind my uncles and shot his goat, proped it up on its feed trough for photos. Gave a speach about how I'm excided to have this "trophy". Lol. Bet people would freak out. But in the end those trophy photos do draw more people to the sport. Might have to make a video when my uncle puts that goat down, or maybe sight fishing videos at the pet store. They got some peacock bass there and I always wanted to catch one of them!
  5. I will take everything but the mounting board if rapala don't take it all first.
  6. The Scotty, pro troll, and the Cabellas brand say they "attract" fish. Says you need different voltage for different fish, and the new Scotty digital has pulse mode to trigger strikes. So, since they recommend different voltage for different fish and since I fish for all those fish I figured it might be worth a try. And the cheaper ones cost less then a tank of fuel it might be worth a try, or at least a thought. Regardless of what my boat puts out now. It isn't ideal for all species. And if pulse mode triggers 10% more strikes on staging kings it would be a no brained must have item for me.
  7. http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/topic/59181-new-planer-boat/page-1
  8. Them senator 113's hold probably 2000 yds of 20 lb test and have a 3.3 gear ratio. I like those reels. Where do you live?
  9. Good for you to make an attempt to return it. I wish somebody could find and return all my lost stuff. Lol. Good reminder that we should have contact info on all of our good stuff. Everything my grandfather ever owned had his name and number on it. He got lots of lost and stolen thing back over the years.
  10. Cant target them. I'd rather catch a steelhead. No way can you do anything to not catch them and still catch steelhead. I don't try to touch them unless I have to or its huge and I want a pic. They are just to fragile.....and slimey. Usually unhook them and dump them back. Touch there gills and they are dead and your boat is covered in blood.
  11. I'm a noob basically too....but there are days you can't get any and days you can't run too many lines cause you can't keep them off your lines. Usually just spoons does the trick and I'm surprised you didn't catch any. I've got them off boards, cheated riggers, dipsys, copper. Pretty much anything you throw at them sometimes.
  12. I was looking around and seen these http://www.ontariofishing.net/productshowcase/ridgebackrattler.html they have rattles so if I got a mold I could put ball bearings in copper pipe inside or ??? But would that be worth trying? Would it rattle? I'm getting the mold so I can try different colors anyway but might try making some rattlers of some sort.
  13. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mX60S8r1FQw
  14. Put that thing on ice shanty, somebody needs one of them
  15. You appear to have an addiction that has lasted many years. Its cost you lots of money....but do you think you can just quit cold turkey? It will cost you even more to get your fix again if you sell this all now! If you need money now then sell it for a loss. But its worth holding on if your not sure, I'd just box it up and write retirement on the box and put it on my closet where I see it every morning. Never too early to think of retirement savings and that's a solid investment that will only gain in value. Awesome buy for anybody if he does sell!
  16. I'm new to riggers on my boat and was gonna get a mold for fish shaped weights. What I was wondering is if anybody has used or made weights with rattles in them? They would probably not be good but maybe....I was thinking a rattling weight with glow paint pulling a big flasher and meat rig might piss of a mature enough....has anybody tried glow paint on a weight. I was thinking of making up a bunch in random colors to try out. Should get lots of streakers for sure.....but will they streak at or away from them is the question......maybe this season just has me bummed....If you throw everything you got at em and come up short...you gotta get more stuff to throw at em or give up. Next year I'm rattling my way around with electric glow weights. Lol
  17. Did anybody use a black box and not like it? Why? I'm just reading about these and I'm new to riggers. I'm thinking about trying this next year. Not really sure how it all works but, it basically just puts electricity on your downrigger cables. Can it be rigged to my 2 Downriggers and 2 wire dipsy rods? Has anybody rigged them to dipsy wire?
  18. http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/topic/53046-assorted-gear/ is the Magda 30 available?
  19. I fish olcott. Caught 2 salmon 20-25lb and lost 2 in a 100 cast flurry 2 Saturdays ago. 38,000 casts later and few hookups seen since then. Night crew doing OK but not great. Its hot as hell out and there not moving in daylight really. If I had anything good it would be posted. Its tuff this year and you might get lucky but most likely you are gonna have to put in time to pick off a few. I can't fish night so got to cast any chance I get during day.
  20. No....they are fishing for steelhead with kwikfish on 3 way swivel's. They just catch 10 Lakers for every steelhead!
  21. Where you located?
  22. Wishin calls his restraints (snares) when he talks of them. Either way its the same. Depending how it preforms. And like you said YOUR "restraints" DO KILL. That DOES makes them SNARES. You killed 3 deer and only caught 35 yotes. Did the BMPs pass with over 10% non target catches and a high kill rate of deer? Bottom line is you are doing it wrong. Not sure about the pa game commision. But here you would be surely fined for such poor traping practices. Post this on a deer hunting site or even a trapping site and I'm sure you will hear some serious debate. You are a disgrace to real trappers. I dont care how long you've been doing this. If you set snares on "deer trails" your an idiot. Traping is great for the environment when done responsibly, but killing 1 deer for every 10 coyotes is nowhere near acceptable. That's rediculous. Might as well bring back the 1080 compound. You really need to learn the error of your ways before you do any more damage. 35 coyotes in 10 years doesn't add up to much. That's not even a good year for a coyote trapper. If I was you I'd retire the snares before your next catch makes the news. You are that bad apple the spoils the whole bunch.
  23. I have been traping since 94 off and on. Not much lately but was a fanatic as a kid. Just don't have the time cause I know what it takes to run even a little line. I remember the coon bmp's when everybody was arguing about that. A victor with baseplates, 4 coils, laminated and offset jaws with new chain and swivels like the BMPs advised is indeed $20. I live die for the outdoors. The facts are that I live near Olcott NY and feel a lot of eyes on this site are from my area....or even Canada. None of the land that touches lake Ontario is open to snaring. And change it now but go back. It was called snaring in the begining of this all and not till I said how I felt did you all say restraint and jump on me for daring to ever say anything when the person who pushed the snares in the begining was recomending somebody who lives near me try them out. And when the guy who recommends trying snares says he has caught lots of deer and some just die. OK you think that's not an issue. He caught 2 coyotes and apparently more than 2 deer. Nobody calls him ignorant and says hey maybe you should lower your loops down a foot....or if they can jump thru the loop its way to freaking big....or the deer stops dont prevent choking, they stop the loop from catching the legs when a deer hits the snare it cant close down on its ankle. Cause anybody who has a clue wouldnt be setting snares high enough to catch deer around the head reguarally. Are your coyotes that tall? hip caught snares and catching multiple deer is rediculous and irresponsible and will end trapping if you do that here. Maybe you should read the BMPs or ask a real trapper to show you how to set snares before you go recommend them. I stand by what I said. Snares in the hands of idiots is not a good idea. You assume I'm anti trapping but I've done it for over 20 yrs off and on. Paps I'm not trying to anger you. Your older than me and probably wiser. But the rest of you who didn't like what I said that's too bad. The question was asked about talk of snaring has come up in NY.....and I can say this thread sums it up. Its a touchy subject to say the least. Bottom line is people need more education. Me as well as others on here. If you catch a deer and it dies do you keep it or let it rot?
  24. I'm not trying to bash anybody for using snares....but I don't want them in my woods or any state land near me. And under ideal situations they can be fairly safe. But let's not pretend the general public is responsible enough to use them near civilization. Beaver under ice not really a concern. Any setting on dry land is a threat to my dog. On your land. Do as you wish. But don't think even implying that somebody set them in NY won't get you some quarrels. My dog wears a GPS tracking collar and a shock collar and won't be allowed to run where its not allowed. But that does not mean that dogs have not been caught in snares where snares should not have been. I wish there were more trappers around like there used to be but its hard for them here and snares will not help you here in NY unless you want to end trapping faster. And me being a new person here on this forum has nothing to do with how I feel. And it doesn't make what I say less important. Snares are not legal here. They probably never will be, and you should not recommend them to anybody who lives in this state.
  25. Those restraints are called snares. They are not legal here for good reasons. One reason is they can and will kill deer. Another reason is they will also kill my dog. If I ever find my dog in one then a pack of coyotes is the last thing you need to worry about. I've released my dogs from footholds a bunch of times. I just laugh and tell them that what they get for sticking there nose where it don't belong. But if they hit a snare full speed and it locks around there neck its over fast. I support trapping and will set traps myself. None would ever be a snare or a conibear on dry land. Stupid and irresponsible. Another thing is like was said. They cost pennies. So they get misplaced and left behind in the woods and restrain animals to there death. Not like a $20+ victor that you would look for. Your cheap snare gets forgot and left right where you set it. Don't set snares and do not think of it ever in NY. A snare might have its place. But not as a main tool. You should try catching them in footholds and maybe use a snare in a controlled situation with a few yotes and areas. Not a main tool cause its cheap and light weight. That's just lazy. Hope it works out for you either way. Pa is a long way for my dog to run....but if it does you better hope that snare don't find its way around its neck.
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