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About border_angler

  • Birthday 12/25/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern NY
  • Interests
    Salmon, Walleye, and Trout fishing
  • Home Port
  • Boat Name
    Miss Adeline

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  1. fishfearme, how many colors of leadcore do you run?
  2. Thanks for the great advice. I'll just have to put in the time and dial in my presentation.
  3. Trolling SLR Help needed! I see that some of you guys are very successful, especially on bigger fish, trolling the SLR. I have been able to catch fish pretty consistently during daylight hours either bottom bouncing or jigging but I haven't had too much success trolling. The current is kicking my butt! I fish the same areas that others are trolling but I can't seem to put it together. Trying to get onto some bigger fish and trolling at night seems to be the best way. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the help guys! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  5. I'm planning on heading to the Bay of Quinte for the first time on Veterans Day weekend and hope to fish Adolphus Reach. What launch would you guys recommend? I'm driving over from the New York side and just doing a day trip. Any info would be a huge help, thanks in advance. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. border_angler


    Great catch! What size bottom bouncers are you using out there by Chimney?
  7. I have been catching fish on structure between 40 and 50 ft. I have a couple of spots that produce that are 30 feet and have a pretty steep drop into 50+ fow. I only fish during the day, I'm sure some fish can be caught shallower at night.
  8. Hate to see fish dead like that. A couple guys found a 5+ foot sturgeon floating a few weeks ago and put it on top of a rock for DEC to find. I called DEC to make sure they knew about it.
  9. Well, sounds like the number of ways to run lead core for walleye is only limited by your imagination and creativity. Thanks for all the suggestions guys!
  10. If I have 5 colors of lead core but only want to put out 3 behind an inline board, is there a method to attach the clip without damaging the lead core line?
  11. What are you guys running for backing? Mono or braid? You are right, 5 colors will be plenty.
  12. Thanks for the suggestions. Will it damage the lead core if I clip it to boards? I was only going to run 3 or 5 colors so I would clip my boards onto the backing. If it doesn't damage the lead core line then I will run the full 10 colors.
  13. Hey guys, I am going to set 2 rods up for running lead core for walleye but I can't decide if I want to spool them up with 3 colors of lead or 5. I will be fishing the SLR, Ontario, and Erie. Any suggestions?
  14. Makes sense Esox. The gobies that it had eaten were probably digested already and all that were left in the stomach were the zebra mussels.
  15. Limited out this morning in just over an hour solo. Bottom bouncing crawler harnesses chartreuse and orange was the hot color. 26, 24, and 19 inches. 19 was full of gobies 26 had stomach full of zebra mussels, anybody else seen walleye eat zebra mussels before?
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