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    Agawa Ma
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    Agawam Ma
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  1. I run 4 Okuma 303 never an issue
  2. Before I even start winterizing my block I open the 2 drain valves above the oil pan and make sure they drain. Sometimes I have had to shove something to unplug them because dirt will collect on the bottom of your block causing water to get trapped or block circulation
  3. Anybody remember the old down-and-out technique and where if any place to buy the attachments are?
  4. Talked with him yesterday it looks like another month. They had some material issues
  5. I installed a Raymarine EV150 on my 221 and absolutely love it but I also went from cable to hydraulic steering
  6. I run pump handles on my 300 copper so I don't have to have 4 and 5 hundred set ups. I also have smart troll and know exactly how deep they are. Just like every set up they have there days
  7. I fished the trench area one spring for a week felt the fishing was slow and never went back. Ever since I fish the high rocks near the plant and fish out of Catfish Creek
  8. Bought mine last year couldn't be happier knowing depth and temp on my dipsys is a game Changer. I sometimes run 2 on my downriggers after buying an extra paddlewheel. I don't run them that much in the fall with heavy boat traffic. 300 bucks a probe seams alot but over the years I always had 2 fishhawk probes on my boat and have had a few stop working that had to be replaced at 450 a pop. When you go cost of a new fishhawk vs smart troll there pretty close a fishhawk is a one trick pony
  9. I notice you run them on all your dipsys. Have you ever had a client lose one and if so how many?
  10. Anyone run your smart troll probe with copper and how do you attach it thanks
  11. 2 probes one is brand new and never used $825 to your door
  12. Does anyone know how long it takes to charge a smart troll probe? Thanks
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