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March 30, 2016
Last visited
July 27, 2019
Everything posted by RebelSportsman
no problem, if you are interested message me @ 607 423 66744
both are in good condition, I'm not sure what you are asking.. what comes with the boat?? or what if something goes wrong with the boat?
25 minutes South of Syracuse
it's a load rite trailer with the rollers. loads on the trailer pretty easy. the deck is in good shape,
TTT- PRICE DROP- $7,500 . down riggers have sold. must sell make offer
We had pretty good luck this past Friday dropping in between 80-90 fow and banging bottom a few times then reeling up at various speeds, most hits we got were on the reel up, and some hit almost 40 -50 feet off the bottom chasing it from the bottom! a lot of different plastics work but white is a good color to run with! good luck.
Low hours and runs great !
Humminbird unit has been sold seperate. down riggers are pending sale, if sold price will lower to 9,000
salmon season is hot this year so don't miss out on this deal
ttt- Price drop --- $11,000 OBO
same as the boat I believe, I will look into that.
12,000 OBO willing to negotiate Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
1987 Grady White overnighter. 200 hp mercury outboard 2 stroke.
-Big jon planer mast with boards
-4 berts ratcheting rod holders on sliding track
- fish hawk X4+D
-Lowrance HDS 7
-fully enclosed canopy
-kicker bracket
- 2 new optima marine batteries
-New starter , ignition switch, surge brake hitch, ball scupper plugs , sending unit, spark plugs
-load rite trailer Read Less
Edges are split due to being left down on acceleration. Can be repaired if you can weld aluminium. 20$
Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Thank you Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Buddy was out tonight said bite was real slow Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Very nice brown, nice box guys Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
left is penn 320 high speed and right is okuma 30 w line counter. Your pick or both with a little more off riggers? Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Would you take 275$ and 1 line counter reel? Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Hey mike, idk if you remember me but i bought that humminbird 1159 of you last year and i fish with trav. But either way i am curious if the location of where this happened was the same spot we met up for the fish finder purchase? If so idk if you heard but there was a meth bust right down the road from there not long ago ( trying to keep location discrete) so i would possibly look into where they live from police info and see if that house could be investigated? Best of luck on the turn out and i as well of the rest of these gentlemen will keep an eye out! Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
this is the humminbird lake master plus card showing just off shore of oswego on Lake ontario Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
these are the 2 chips I use , started out with the navionics in my 597 ci di hd but have upgraded units since. the navionics Chip has great contour lines on all the finger lakes but I have heard that version 2 is a little better on some lakes. I use the lake master Chip In conjunction with my I pilot for auto pilot purpose but was not pleased with the contour on some lakes but works great for GPS and trolling from point to A to point B. Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Nice job Justin! Was nice to meet you last weekend and plan to schedule a trip with you in the future! Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
To answer 2nd part of your question lively, I almost always run the stinger setup unless they are swallowing the bait whole, then I may switch to the single hook set up or to a smaller plastic with single hook Sent from my SM-G935U using Lake Ontario United mobile app