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About Ohreelyfishing

  • Birthday 03/19/1969

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pennsylvania Lake Wallenpaupack
  • Home Port
    Fair Haven Turtle Cove
  • Boat Name
    Reel Family

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  1. I always used black and sometimes clear but black is my go to color
  2. hey guys have a question coming up again for July and august fishing hopefully Fairhaven stays above water was thinking of getting some new dipsy's what seems to be the color of choice everyone thinks works the best thanks for any input and good luck with the fishing
  3. best dipsy color for salmon hey guys want to pick your brains what do you guys think is the best color dipsy to use for salmon want to see the thoughts on this. Thanks
  4. thanks guys for the info
  5. steelhead just put a third Downrigger on the boat was going to run the middle one for some steelhead how far down should I run the ball if looking for steelhead figured some action while out trolling for kings any help appreciated new to going for steelhead
  6. mr clean thanks for the reports does anyone have any pics of the area.
  7. I tried texting you don't know if you got them or not
  8. do you have any more pics of the extendable one ?
  9. how did you modify did you just put a extendable boom on the one and do they have the swivel bases on them
  10. are the traxs and rod holders still available please PM me
  11. will you take $100 for those 2 sets of 4 rod holders on the tracks there on
  12. Thanks thork
  13. Hey guys anyone have a way to keep mice out of the boat during winter storage hate to open boat up in spring to find mouse **** all over and wires chewed and suggestions and don't say put a cat in there LOL 😂
  14. Yea marked some around 120fow water but no takers waves were not that bad in the arternoon
  15. No prob any pics will be cool I'm going to put planer reels on each side and I light in middle to light back of boat
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