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April 9, 2016
Last visited
January 18, 2019
Everything posted by Fishhunter1
Good deal Marty consider it all sold.I will pick it up on Thursday morning on way up to Lake Ontario and give you your $150.
I am glad to see there's a few kings left to be caught.Headed up next week to do some fishing on eastern end of the lake.Congrats on that fine catch!
How can you catch stripers?We used linecounter reels and drifted large minnows right through big marks on fishfinder but no takers.
We fished for walleyes here on our local lake last evening with spinner harnesses and worm rigs.Walleyes were not biting but had 50 or more big stripers literally jumping out of water near boat as they forced alewifes to surface.Bait shop opened at 7am going to get large minnows and head out to lake for the day.Hoping they want minnows,lures or night crawlers,lol.Have a great day everyone!!!!!Hey Barry fishing will pick up it's nearly fall.
Great picture of a fisherman enjoying his free time lol
OK this is over with let's all go on with our own lifes.How does one put a picture and where you are from on here? I am from Lehighton,Pa. and love fishing upstate New York which I have been doing for nearly 40 years now!!!!!
I never said anything bad on here just stating the facts.I was told there was absolutely nothing wrong with the boat.I never got to hear the motor run because owner had to work overtime the afternoon I went to pick it up.I knew there could be something wrong because of AS IS but I took the gamble and now I'm fixing it up and will still have a great deal.Yes the purchase price in my eyes was a steal and I am happy to own this boat!
Update:I had another motor put in boat and now marina mechanic ready to put new gimbal bearing in lower unit plus few other minor repairs before boat will be ready to put on lake.Sure glad I have my 18 foot boat to use till this Starcraft Islander is ready to go.
Hey Pap I was born and raised in Kunkletown area now I live near Lehighton,Pa.Good Luck on your fishing on Lake Ontario and all other waters!
I wanted to be safe and precheck. Sucks getting stranded on Lake Ontario or any big water when you break down out there.Owner of the motel I stay at has his own garage business also guy who runs motel for him was a previous mechanic so they hooked up water hose to the motor and heard the missing.They ran compression check and found the bad cylinder.I dropped boat off at Marine 2000 over in Brewerton yesterday on my way back to Pa. for second opinion and repair if needed.
I had boat motor checked out before heading out on water.Marina mechanic found three cylinders at 150 which is normal but one only 50 so going to cost me some bucks to get motor either fixed or put new motor in.However I got the rig at a great price so will deal with it and end up with a super boat,motor and trailer when all is said and done!!!!!
I need a used head unit and probe for fish hawk 4 at reasonable price.
I need Fish Hawk 4 head unit,mounting bracket and probe someone stole from boat but also no passport to enter Canada.
Thank you.I have been fishing on my 18 footer with Mercury 115 four stroke on Ontario for years so this is a big stepup for me.I am quite sure I will like the Starcraft Islander hardtop very much.
I bought this boat few days ago so it's SOLD
I tried contacting him to buy but no answer either so I located and bought 1989 starcraft islander.Give Ted call at 607-857-4220 and find out.
No sorry I bought 1989 Starcraft Hardtop listed on site unknown if this boat is still for sale or not
Yes I bought it pick it up Wednesday on way up to Lake Ontario!!!!!
I am very interested in this boat.Coming up to Oswego salmon fishing Wednesday through Saturday next week so hoping we can set up a day and time to see it!!!!!
Nice bunch of fish.I have fished cayuga and seneca in the past.Congrats on your catch!
That's a big motor for that size boat.How wide and deep is this 21 footer?
Sorry it's a 21 footer.Hey I'm OLD and must be going blind too!!!!! I live near Lehighton,Pa. so please post more info on boat to help with the sale.
Pics are great but what size boat and motor?Does boat have a canopy,etc?
Thanks for call Ted.I will come see the boat soon!
OK--guess boat sold I also called you and left a message but no call back