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  • Birthday 10/14/1972

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  • Home Port
    Lafayette NJ
  • Boat Name
    Group Tightener II

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  1. The steel plate is still not fixed yet.
  2. Was up this weekend and did well. The temps were good 50 down from 70 FOW all the way out to 300 FOW. We went 5 for 6 on Sat. and 1 for 4 on Sunday. We had an epic battle that lasted around 25 minutes until finally this monster straightened out the treble hook. I have been fishing for a long time and this was by far the biggest fish I have ever felt in this lake. It took the dipsy on meat at 230 ft.of wire out and when we lost him he had took us out to 350 feet of wire. I didnt need any more pain after that battle. But we still managed a 20 lbr. after that and had to leave. Can't wait to do it again in 2 weeks. Thanks for always having updates on this thread. Mr. clean does a great job all the time. Also, you can hear chatter on channel 72 but some of the Capts. will not communicate if you are not in there circle. Me and my cousin are always sharing info and you can call us out asking for Group Tightener or GT2. We are always happy to share info. See you all in 2 weeks. Good Luck to all. GT2 AKA SEENYOUR OKUMA
  3. Same to you!!! Happy Holidays to everyone! Group Tightener 2
  4. Hey Beef, I am of the belief in first come first serve. If you were trolling on a line and a boat comes up behind you it is up to them to go around you. Like if I was in a tree stand hunting and someone comes walking up and tells me this is his spot and I need to move I wouldn't budge. Same principal here applies. Some people think they own everything. I say **** em! Laugh at em and keep fishing. You spend money just like everyone else to fish there. Just stay out of my way.. lol JK. Good Luck out there!
  5. Very Cool Teach!
  6. Hopefully updates come on here for sure... I don't use FB. Thanks Dog!
  7. Cool, Looking forward to your updates.
  8. Hi A-tom-mik, Is this open to all? We fish out of Fair Haven and see you guys all the time out there. We would like to maybe get in on a tourney with the big dogs. Thanks-
  9. Sounds good I will look for your updates.. and 4 is better than none
  10. 4 is not bad joe compared to what I was hearing over the radio.. we landed 2 fish Sat. morning. We will be up for the long weekend coming up. If you go to Mexico please let us know how the bite is..
  11. BTW nice fish.! Didn't mean to directly reply to ur post but I am still trying to figure out this phone app on new phone.. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. Just got two on the meat 85 down in 125 fow.. Good luck all Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. lol I told the boss I was going out with a Capt. that knows what he's doing so she said ok..
  15. I plan on using all colors this weekend Oh Reely..
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