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April 24, 2016
Last visited
October 9, 2020
Everything posted by strutnrut62
We went 20/24. Yesterday at the oak west. Mostly coho 2 browns 2 steel head rest coho and had a double going on kings landed smaller of the 2 split ring on hook broke lost he big one upper teens at boat bayrats short and shallows and long and shallows on boards and mixed veggie spoon and monkey puke on riggers were non stop Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Yea. Was frustrating but I also was think in back of my mind why would they eat look at all the bait Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Yea soon as we went back in to 70 fow 5 minutes took 11 lb laker but had same bait in there I adjusted leads. Out to 60 foot and. Had some short as 8' off ball. I trying about everything but oh well big learning curve Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Numerous. Bait balls and hooks all over and couldn't move a rod from cowbells and sound doctors and flies to paddles and flies spoon patterns and speed changes.a lot of lookers coming up to the down rigger but not takers
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Yes they are in Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I launched a lake breeze marina Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Oak didn't have docks into day Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
We launched at the point. Docks are not in yet that was a little bit interesting but I wasn't letting that stop me Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Well couldn't take it any longer I put the boat in the water after week of preparation left the launch at 9 am ended starting east. To finally head back to the west shortly after. Found a 3 degree spike in temp and worked it had 3 doubles and a triple ended up13/13 on browns all fish were taken in bayrats short and shallow every color we put down 115 off the boards was best
No I went with Trophy Bayliner 2460 instead
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Good to know thank you just and Idea I'm thinking on trying. So I can run my 4 rigers
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
There is a plate called a winger That helps guide. Cables outawrd
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
It connects to your downriver cable then to your ball. It is more or less a planner board. For your down rigger when your running 4 riggers it pulls your out side riggers out away from the boat widens your spread
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Does any one have the measurements on wingers I'm planning on having a guy make them and. Can't find sizes anywhere
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Thank you yankee troller! I can't wait for this coming season can't come fast enought
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Thank you will start looking at them
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
next season will be the first full season out on the lake. This yr i was lucky enough to be given a boat full rigged up rods, down riggers, tackle ect.. then i went and bought bayliner trophy 2460. Now looking to pick up rods and reels for this coming season that can be used for both browns in the spring and salmon throughout the summer. I have two bigjons on the boat now that i think i want to replace with cannons. but the biggest thing i want to do is get a good set of reels and rods but i need help on picking i am new and would like some guidence on the selection that's out there. Any help would be awesome on how to set the boat up to make it easier on me.
Caught brown 30fow and hooked king 25 fow on jplugs
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Yea deepest we got 40fow
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Hooked one king for brief second and caught nice 7 lb brown
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I'll be launching at 545
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I'm headed out in the morning. Where should I start and run
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Anything happening out of the oak lately?
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Good to kno I have a moor sub troll Thank you for your help
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United