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Everything posted by HB2

  1. Replace the mono with 65 or 80# braid and you should be good Or go buy what gambler said and pay 500 $ each .
  2. I was thinking the same thing More much needed phosphorus . When Zebras showed a long time ago , Lake Erie management types proposed pumping raw sewage into the lake .
  3. How long has he been open ? I drive on the road that cuts from county line to 18 right behind him by the creek all the time and never saw it .
  4. Any pro/ con on the self deploy ? The damn things are so expensive I might as well get the best one for a few hundred bucks .
  5. The reason ... The internet and Amazon .
  6. Thanks to all My nephew in Florida and is big into boats told me to check out Rhodan motors . He said a lot of offshore salt guys run them . But I'm leaning towards the Minn Kota.
  7. Thanks for all the great info Honestly I just want something to keep the boat straight when I'm fishing alone or when I'm with my wife or a newbie . And the bass thing . You guys gave me great advice I will follow .
  8. I am getting a new to me boat 18 ft walk thru windshield 115 and 8 hp kicker I want to get a bow mt trolling motor for bass fishing . But I also know some of you guys use them for Auto pilot for trolling . I know nothing about this or what to get . Maybe one of my LOU brothers can enlighten me and send me in the right direction .
  9. Correction 585 738 2608 Sorry fat fingers
  10. I'm interested 585 728 2608
  11. It's a great unit . Seems very well made . But it's a crappy design on the probe . Those probes on the front should be better protected . It would be an easy thing to do design wise . But my guess is that the average unit sold buys at least 1 probe because of failure or loss . Nice cash cow .
  12. There is healthy population of smallmouth in LO . There are less but they are bigger . 20" was big back then . Now they are common . We use to drift jigs 12 to 25 ft , 30 max . Now the fish are as deep as 60. Hard to fish that deep . And the numbers aren't there. There have been big bass in Sandy forever. Somebody figured out how to catch them in cold water consistently. .
  13. I catch a lot of pike in the middle of the creek on a hard bottom . Using Senko style baits fished slowly on bottom . So yeah I think they eat a lot of gobies Got this guy today
  14. You have fish under you Keep things simple I would run one rigger just off bottom and one 20 ft above to target the Lakers . 15 to 25 ft leads . No dipsey yet till you master the riggers . Don't be afraid to do circles over the marks . If you are spread out vertical and same leads you should not tangle with just riggers out . I don't fish the finger lakes just LO but fish are fish .
  15. I remember those 200+ bass days out of Fair Haven. My hand tied Brown or Black Purple 1/8 oz bucktails we're all you needed . How things change .
  16. Left is loosin big time in the polls . So anything they can do to shore up their base they will do to distract from what they have done the last 15 months . What do you think the Supreme court leak was about . In their eyes , I / we are the enemy. So they will have no problem throwing us under the bus ,as they are now doing . Some of you guys say this is a fishing sight and politics has no place here .But the reality of it is it does . Better wake up guys .
  17. Yeah , well who would think that some of the dumb ass crap we are seeing would ever happen . So don't be so sure . Absolutely nothing I see these days surprises me anymore .
  18. HB2


    Perch and Rockies are still there But DEC must have stocked a bunch of brown trout recently . I've caught a few and they keep hitting the tails of my jigs and pulling my pants down . Like every cast sometimes . It's aggravating.
  19. HB2


  20. HB2


    Well the perch have finally showed up. Been doing well the last week . Not fast and furious but they are there . Some nice ones Also got a big carp yesterday and a surprise 5# walleye . And some smallmouths . Small jigs under a float has been best for me.
  21. Went out first light . Got 2 cookie cutter browns right off the bat on a jointed black and silver rebel off the board . Colored water was key 10 ft of water . Then it got east wind nasty .
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  22. I'm sure you guys are doing a great job over there . Not trying to be political at all . It doesn't sit well with me me how this all went down . For years a lot of guys at Sandy put much hard work in. My time has only been in recent years . And I've seen my share of politics in that time . And politics is partly why we are where we're at on this . I still think a new hatchery should be priority #1 .
  23. Once upon a time when this all started and they were dumping fish in the lake like trash in a landfill , all fish were direct stocked . And yes , I know things have changed , clear water and y cormerants . my neighbor Charlie Chick told me he dumped the first bucket of Kings ever in Sandy . We had crazy runs of Kings in any water flow on the South shore and did for years . And then it slowed dramatically . Which happened the same time they stopped rearing kings at Calidonia . All kings were raised at Altmar and the overwhelming majority imprinted there . In an effort to get south shore king runs back , pen rearing started . Now its debatable if it works or not . But to some degree IMO , it does . Put 100 k of Kings in a pen , maybe 10 percent imprint . That's a good number . The last few years because of stocking cuts , returns of Kings in most tribs were down . I did not see that at Sandy untill this past year . And surprisingly 3 years ago this spring is when we lost our fish . Coinsedence ? Maybe , maybe not . My assessment of this is that stakeholders and businesses strong armed the DEC to get more fish stocked as we all always do . They could not increase numbers because of the bait so they did this . I witnessed the strong arm tactic when the DEC wanted to increase the size limit of steelhead in the lake from 21" to 25" . Things got a bit heated over this . I won't go into details . A guy on here , can't remember who (sarcasm) has suggested a new state of the art hatchery . This should be a #1 priority of members of this site and all upstate fishing organizations . For Browns ,Domestics . Not only for LO but for all the streams in this part of the state . And some Kings , just to see what happens .Maybe walleye . We at Sandy, with a very well organized and enthusiastic volunteer base , got boned . I want our fish back . And the way I see it , the horse ain't dead .
  24. My sister in law wants to take a charter boat out of Solomons in the Chesapeake bay . In about 6 weeks . Any recommendations ?
  25. I'm sure the Genny and Oak guys are doing a great job ........ Taking care of our fish . Who said the horse is dead ? We got thrown under the bus . If there is no imprinting , why not just keep them at the hatchery and power feed the heck out of them and direct release them out of a helicopter into the lake ?
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