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Everything posted by HB2

  1. I want our fish back
  2. I went down last fall after the dredging to check it out . I went east and west across the channel from yacht club to mouth . There is a trench between the bouys 7 to 9 ft .
  3. Actually I was told by guys that did a lot of the caretaking of those pen fish early on , that the Sandy fish were the heartiest of all the pen fish of all locations on the lake . This was done to appease the interests of the stakeholders and businesses in tributaries that have high amounts of destination anglers so when they come up to those areas , they have fish to catch . And they come back . I was told that when they made the decision by someone I believe , is a reliable source .
  4. Did you apply white primer before the flouresent ?
  5. As a Sandy creek angler , I want our fair share of pen fish back.
  6. I love my slide divers I really don't run them enough . Usually only as a last resort when I think about it . Best when fish are 70 ft and higher . I use spoons mostly but flashers also. I use 65# braid on mine to 40 or 50 ft of 30 # mono which the diver slides on . Then bead and swivel .Then 5 ft of flouro .
  7. My best ones You can see the tail broken on the shadling . Been hanging on my shop wall for 25 years
  8. I would also think slide divers would work well that time of year in that situation . Let out 75 to 150 ft and put the diver on 6 setting and let the diver 5 to 20 ft below the surface with a spoon . The best divers I had were spoonbill rebels black silver red belly 41/2" and 5 1/2" , a Lindy shadling prototype in lemon lime ( killer till a king snapped it in half ) , a diving long A bomber florescent green chartreuse .
  9. Deep divers like spoonbill rebels or rapala tail dancers and the like work great long lined if tuned properly . They can get down to 30 ft . I ran them back 250 ft flat lined tip of rod close to water 12# mono . X2 on on the j 13 . All colors . A clown j 13 is gold I'd you can find one . GFR also . You can get some used manual riggers on here for not a lot of money . My spread for years late 70s early 80s was 2 manual riggers 1 line each and 2 long lines with diving plugs . Good luck .
  10. I saw a nice one at Runnings in Brockport last year I considered buying . Was like 159$ . Seemed pretty heavy duty . I think it held 15 gal .
  11. You are kidding ,right ? I could not list all the things that this guy has failed us on in this forum . His decisions are made on politics only and what is good for his party to stay in power .I watched that entire sad excuse for a state of the nation . And so did Putin im sure . I watch all news channels just to see . No mention of Hillary spying on your channels . Not surprising . So who is lying ? I dislike all politicians . Some of you guys must be in denial over what is currently going on in this country and around the world . When America is weak , the world is in turmoil . If you voted Joe , the blood of those kids is on your hands .Have some honor and Take responsibility. .
  12. Now I am going to do my best to get myself throw off this site . While our adversarys were busy pumping up their military and economies ,and blatantly admiting they want to crush us , a lot of our elected leaders were busy with Russia hoax ,spying on campaigns , impeachment, mail in ballots , and on and on and on . We got our steel mills back , our economy going , made NATO pony up etc. And most importantly , we were energy independent . all which were good for national security . All that stuff evaporated in 1 year . So if you got duped into voting for a confused weak ass , woke president and a tenth grade cheerleader mentality VP who is a heart beat away from being the leader of the free world , congratulations . Elections and how you vote has concequenses. And it is glaringly apparent now . The crazy inflation , the war , the little kids fleeing the country and getting bombed and bleeding are your responsibility , plain and simple. You voted for all of it . Putin is like a dog who smells weakness . And he got his window of opportunity . Thanks to all who voted Joe . I'm looking forward with hope to Dec.and 2022. Hopefully there is something left to salvage . Fishing to me seems a little trivial at the moment. .
  13. Maybe more than 6$
  14. I really love it when people want to tell other people what to do with what they own .
  15. How about the deer / game on everyone's private posted / hunting rights leased land ? Can we walk on their land also ? Those animals are not stocked , but we pay to manage them .
  16. It is his property to do with as he wishes within legal means . We ain't Russia or China , at least not yet . But I wonder what the property taxes on that very unique and valuable property is .
  17. What I figured I think I will pass Not really me land that they are interested in anyway . Or at least I think.
  18. Got this in the mail today
  19. And furthermore , I would like to see , if possible , the hatchery in very close proximity to a university that offers fishery biology . They could help with all aspects from start to finish of raising and research on this . Possibly an entire great lakes program . Kind of like the U of R and Strong hospital . If this can happen , do it right for the long term .
  20. Well it seems to me it would be nice to get something tangeble out of this. Something that could actually improve the fishery and safeguard something that could be catastrophic at another hatchery . All the answers about bait , etc are good , but improvements and building upon what we now have would be awesome . Not just for LO , but the western and central NY fishery in general .
  21. How about a new state of the art hatchery ?
  22. The 100$ bill you had in your pocket last year at this time is worth 92.50$ today. Everything is going through the roof . At some point , people are not going to have the extra cash for fun. Try to buy a car , boat , or home . And it doesn't look like it will get better any time soon .
  23. HB2


    Had a boys weekend at the cottage . 14" of ice our front . Set a bunch of tip ups and did some jigging. I hooked something big on a hand tied jig and waxxy . Played it for about 10 min . Turned out to be a nice brown . When I tried to pull it up out of the hole , it shook it's head and popped the jig out . And that was it . But we toasted our Canadian friends with some Crown Royal . Was nice watching the tipups from the warm sunroom .
  24. Headed down to SC for break because my wife wants to go there . Any fishing recommendations for the area ? I'm good with a pier or shore thing .
  25. I am looking for a new to me lake boat . With the price of gas , my expectations are getting smaller and smaller . Looks to be $ 4.50 to $ 5 by Summer . No who would have ever seen this coming ? Hope the fish stay close to shore .
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