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Everything posted by HB2

  1. As I said , gov jobs will not be affected . The money always seems to be there for those . Like clockwork . Imagine if both household incomes were not Gov jobs . A young couple , mortgage to the max , car payments , health ins , credit cards . No savings . I see a lot of buying opportunity coming soon for those that have money . And a lot of bankruptcy if this doesn't end very soon . The gap between the haves and have nots will widen , greatly . Hello Bernie !! I don't mind looking out for the health of my fellow Americans , but I don't want to go broke doing it .
  2. R DEFER That is the operative word in that statement DEFER for 90 days . And after those 90 days which it 3 payments you will have to come up with those 3 payments and the 4 th that is due . Not a goods scenario for a lot of people , and a recipe for disaster . The are doing the same thing with business sales taxes and other stuff . You don't have to pay now but you have to pay a lot more latter . As a landlord , similar rules have been enacted . I have hard time getting some to pay on time as it is as some of my tennents are barely making it . Can't wait to see the fun that is coming down .
  3. Anyone with a gov job will not be financially affected Anyone on a pension other than gov or on SS may be affected long term Essential businesses may see a boom long term . Small business non essential will get hurt greatly short term and will drive some out of business . Also their employees . If you have investments which are your retirement , they in some cases have dropped by a third . Payments on a lot of stuff will be late for some time to come for those that live hand to mouth. And the people that receive those payments and depend on them will feel the affects . Remember the housing bubble ? . Bankruptcy lawyers will get rich. And this will bring the rest of the country down . Unemployment will spike , thus depleting the fund , which employers will see added assessments to their contributions . Unfortunately , this may be the reality of this . The Gov knows all this , thus the stimulus ,which will soften the blow . My feeling is this will blow over soon and I'm hoping for that. But we could feel the affect of this for a while . The good thing about this is a reorganization of essential medical etc. Bring the capabilities of those home so we can take care of ourselves . Which means jobs for citizens . It really is a national security issue . I'm going to work until somebody physically tells me I can't . Fishing again today . Stay well my friends .
  4. The smart decision is to stay home Don't take any unnecessary chances and put yourself or anyone else in harm's way or God forbid something happen you use services that should be used somewhere else . The last thing I want right now is for me or a loved one to be in a hospital . Fish for what is close to you . And ride it out . Stay well my friends
  5. Just run sticks at first . My setup for less than 12 ft are sticks off boards at first Then add to it K.I.S.S.
  6. The Fed and state are hemorrhaging money on Med And security reasons There are many that live from hand to mouth , and have just had their paycheck taken away . The tax money revenue machine for sales and income tax has been cut in half. April 15 is coming up soon and many will be stone broke by then Stimulus checks will be going out soon. Where is the money going to come from ? We already are operating at a deficit . It's going to take years to recover from this . I hope I'm wrong . I was hoping for a new hatchery for Brown's , but my guess is that won't happen . I just hope we maintain the level of fishery we have . Which at this point seems trivial . Prepare yourselves for cuts . I'll leave the " they are overreacting to the situation " for another conversation . Off the dock yesterday afternoon , a few Smallmouth and a brown . Jigs under a float . I'm going as much as I can while I still can . Can't Catch the CV fishing . Bridges were loaded with cars . Guys have the same idea,as me . Stay well my friends .
  7. Agreed about sticks over spoons in shallow water as they sink on turns and if the board stalls . if you are in water 12 ft or less , often times the best depth , you have to know the dive rate of the sticks you are running I like 3 1/2" or 4 1/2" jointed rebels , my favorites in shallow water . Tuned to run shallow . F 9 and F 11 Rapalas J 9 and J 11 rapala in water deeper than 10 ft as they dice deeper I like Smithwicks also . Also Long A bombers .
  8. What is the most important thing in a survival situation ? PMA Positive mental attitude Stay well my friends I'm off to the creek .
  9. Just got back from the cottage 4 smallmouth , of which one was a hog And lost a a nice Brown . North east wind , cold ! I am going tommorow sometime , and Friday ..
  10. I am going fishing as much a possible for as long as I can while I still can . I am going right now .
  11. And also Cuomo made a speech the other day . I can't stand him or his policies but he did a great job with it . Chuck and Nancy showed some good leadership in congress . Trump and Pence have done good work also . Everyone working together for once . Doing what we sent them there for . It took this . It's funny how every few years something comes up that forces us to work together to solve a big problem and stop bickering . I still say it's being overblown .
  12. It looks like panic & fear has taken hold of some . It has become apparent to me that To many people in this country fly by the seat of their pants day by day . They are not prepared for a bad situation that may arise . And seemingly feel that the gov will be their to bail them out . This should serve as a wake up call to them ( but it probably won't ) that they should prepare themselves for the unknown that may occur that would disrupt their lives .
  13. Mid lake , Olcott to Rochester Mid July to first week Aug
  14. It's an election year All I've heard beforee the last 6 weeks is that The current administration has not done enough about this . So last night you saw what politicly he was forced into doing . Personally , I don't like all the scare tactics being used . It is creating panic in the mentally week . Sure you should prepare yourself , but you should always do that . I tried to but toilet paper 2 nights,ago and the shelves were bare. And this is what the media and Dems want because this is their only chance of getting Biden in there . Can you imagine where we would be with a Hillary economy if this happened ? We would be screwed. Also most of our meds are produced in China .And they have threatened to cut us off. Trump has been saying since the beginning he wants all this manufacturing to come back to the U.S. And he gets railed for it . Guess he was right .
  15. I want the 12 # s I can see you at Tommys when things warm up .
  16. San Francisco declared a state of emergency with no cases reported . REALLY ? Is this the way it's,going to go from now on each flu season ? 18000 people died from the flu last year in this country . Granted this ones bad but we have had,bad strains before . The media tends to try an scare us and as Americans , we tend to go along with it . And the politicians try and use it for their own reasons . I will do what I normally do and not take the chicken little approach . My condolences to all affected.
  17. My next riggers will be Magnum metalz . Saw them at the show and they are built rock solid and are compact . Check them out .
  18. So it's really no different then any of the other flus that have been coming around so since the beginning of time .
  19. And I feel a sniffle coming on so I'm going to take Dr Grannys advise a take a nip , for medicinal purposes.
  20. Bottle of Wild Turkey and some pork rinds
  21. Back when I use to stream trout a lot opening day was Mepps, Rooster rails , panther Martin's or small leaf worms with a split shot bounced on bottom . (Unless of course it was Naples , and we drifted sponge before you could use real eggs) That worked great till the trees popped and it warmed up . Then the fly guys kicked our ass as the bugs started to hatch . So we started doing that . IMO, take your boys to somewhere remote , off the beaten path where you can bond with them and cherish your time with them now because pretty soon they will want to do there own thing . Make it a yearly thing and maybe keep the date the same and make your reservations around new year so everyone can clear their calender . The spots I pm you about are just that .
  22. Sorry , but for the whole experience , nothing beats the ADKs . So much to do up there . The air is,so fresh . And I could go on . It is my experience that once warm weather hits early June , the stream trout bite turns into a fly fishing bite .
  23. I think the extra runoff washes more nutrients in the lake , not less .
  24. Adirondacks Lot of stuff to do Great scenery Lots of lakes and water Good fishing The mountains are calling and I must go . It's life changing up there .
  25. My God given rights have everything to do with it . After thinking about this since the dust settled , I have come to these conclusions If someone breaks into my/ your house , they have made a conscious decision to take their own life into their own hands . They don't know truly if someone is home or not. I know i can't engage anyone outside my home . But I can make life hard for them . Lastly , I refuse to cower in my house and hide in a corner and let an intruder control circumstances that could be detrimental to my loved ones or me . I'm not going indiscriminately let the lead fly , but if I feel threatened , they dug their own grave . Not mine .
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