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Everything posted by HB2

  1. Another verse.... Donald Trump Donald Trump Forever shall we hold our dobbers high ! high ! high! Come along and bring your dong... Oh no wait ! wait! Flag on the play . Sorry I got confused.
  2. All I know is we are 20 Trillion dollars in debt. When the money runs out ,the rest won't matter. Need guys who know money to fix the problem . He is letting the rest of the world know we aren't going to be chumps anymore.
  3. My mind wanders so to amuse myself I wrote a little song............................And it goes like this ( think Mickey Mouse) . Whose the leader of the country that's made for you and me D-O- N A-L-D T--R-U-M-P Donald Trump USA! Donald Trump USA! Forever shall we hold our flags high ! high! high! high ! Come along and sing our song and make our country great again! D-O-N A-L-D T-R-U-M-P !! What do you think ? Right on Bro .
  4. You have to pick your times. Spring browns close to shore , Nice summer days out to say 200' . late summer/ fall for staging kings. Can't get to far from port. Setup of boat is critical for safety & success. I have a 16' I troll staging kings and I love it ,but many days I am stuck in the creek fishing for bass .
  5. HB2

    Boat Trailers

    When I bought my 21 fter I wanted a roller trailer and was willing to pay more for it . Guy talked me into bunks & I am glad he did. Launch easy, loads easy as my 16 fter and always goes on straight. Safer. & better for hull .
  6. Remember the " Birthers" ? So the people who say Trumps win was not legitimate are " ILLIGITERS "?
  7. So someone tell me with a straight face there are not guys out on the lake catching and selling the fish ..
  8. Islamaphobe , homophobe, war on women, Blah, blah ,blah. PC and Lib media crowd lost all their power . Cuomo next
  9. Enough with the race card already .
  10. It's Over !!! Great day for America . Best part of it for me was election night and the look on Rachel Maddow's face when she realized Hillary was going to loose . Priceless .
  11. HB2


    Yes , but all the fish up there are wild , or at least I think . So that makes our problem , a little more fixable. The Creel survey boats with the big orange bumpers ( what a job, how do I get paid for that ) could say to the SR hatchery ," these guys pounded the kings this year, better grab some extra eggs so they have some kings to catch in a few years". Could be as simple as that . Maybe they are doing that already , or I would hope.
  12. Chick Fillet soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read many years ago shortly after the Zebra invasion that Ohio was considering dumping raw sewage into lake erie for the bottom of the food chain to eat. Was probably knee jerk and don;t think anything came of it.
  13. Id rather choke on the water and catch more fish
  14. Fully agree w/ the phosphorus thing. Phosphates in fertilizers & laundry detergents way back found its way into the lake and exploded the bottom of the food chain. Legislation & Zebras cleaned out the lake .
  15. HB2


    We are in what, the 15th or so generation of the original pacific salmon stocks? Could be the fish are evolving from ocean habitat to LO. maybe why nat rep fish are smaller. Mother nature. But that is a different issue. All your reasons may be legit ,Rol . But if the kings ,or any fish or animal,nat repro, the more taken out , the less you have in latter years. To me that is just common sense. So all these guys who go out and boat 50 lakers in an hr and C&R them are actually killing them. Well, that ain't good. But I don't think that's the case. Didn't I see a study somewhere that most survive?
  16. HB2


    Now I'm even more convinced. Longline , you are always on time .one smart dude. Anglers have gotten more profishent (pun intended ) at catching kings.
  17. HB2


    Ever hear of compound interest ? We have had harsh winters before. Also hear a lot on here about how much bait is out there. Zebra have been out there since mid 80's . Seems to me they are on the decline or have stabilized. Don't feds stock high numbers of them ? They also nat reproduce. Seems to me they are C&Red more with no trib fishery except for the niagara. I'm sure they eat their share , but once the fish reach 20" or so , they only real threat is a fish hook , or a bear. I'm looking for reason, not trying to lay blame.
  18. HB2


    And there lies the $ 64,000 question . King numbers are down , way down . We had great ,or at least I did , king fishing 3-5 years back. Then it got king slow so steelhead/rainbows were targeted with great fishing. Now that is slow and rainbow numbers are down . That being considered and stocking being about the same , what caused this ? Maybe taking all these fish had a big impact on our present day fishing . 40% is a lot. Kind of like taking money out of a retirement investment and expecting the same yearly income to live on. A kind of reverse pyrimid effect.
  19. HB2


    I understand all that , Jimski. I don't think a cormorant cares if it was a stocked or wild fish. I just wonder what percentage of fish, stocked to wild,make it to spawning age.
  20. HB2


    Good stuff Capn Vince but my point is that if wilds are 40% of the kings out there ,a substantial number , 100 kings,both wild & stocked if both contribute equally, are responsible for 40 fish 2-4 years later. Could be only 20 of the 100 are the ones making the 40 % , but what 20? As the fish roam the lake most of the time. I guess I am thinking about the mature fish available at spawn time to run the creeks.
  21. Is the breakwall done ? If they can somehow funnel all the runofff/current through a small area it may clean itself out. Johnsons & Sandy creek do this. Otherwise it will be like Bald eagle & Blind sodus that need periodic dredging. Should be some good Bass/Pike fishing around the new rocks . And yes, They have to dredge the Oak and Genny every few years also.
  22. HB2


    My question was for mature 3 -4 year old fish .The ones that make the spawn run. So what happens before 3 years is kind of a moot point as I see it.
  23. HB2


    Playing with the numbers a little to get by the cold weather , can only clean your reels & tackle boxes so much. . So for a round number ,40 % of mature kings are wild fish. So out of 100 kings ,40 are wild. That's a pretty substantial number . So that means that if half of those 100 are lake boxed or stringered in a nat repro stream , 3 years from now there still will be the 60 stocked ( if that stays constant) & only 20 wilds for a total of 80 . take half those fish and 3 years later there are only 76 total , Approx a 25% reduction. 100 mature fish are responsible for 40 mature fish 3-4 years. Am I looking at this correctly ? 3-5 years ago we had banner king fishing , or at least I did. I remember reports from others of the same. Are we paying for that now ?
  24. Questions There is some natural reproduction of Kings in LO . Do we know what percentage of say 100 mature kings in a given year are "wild" ? Also do both the stocked and "wild" Kings both natural reproduce equally ? And one more. What streams are able to sustain the fry till they can return to the lake? Same questions as above for Rainbow / Steelheads . My mind wanders sometimes this time of year. Thanks in advance.
  25. Problem is , some one is going to think this is a good idea. And why not with some of the electronics out there ,this is just the logical next step. Dont see me rushing out to purchace one anytime soon.
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