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Everything posted by HB2

  1. I have replaced the pads on my offshores a few times. Maybe they will fit .
  2. Ain't nothin' smells like bacon but bacon .
  3. The sense of smell is a HUGE part of of an animals survival in the wild. From self defense from danger , finding food , Procreation . If I go to FLA and dont put a piece of Shrimp on my jig , I get 1/3 or less action. Why does cut bait work so well when flies look way more sexy? Underwater video I see has the salmon come from behind and trail the lure for a ways sometimes ( You can see this on your sonar) before striking or turning away. All I know is when I come home from work & smell my wife has been baking ,I get hungry , my mouth waters ,& I start looking for cookies.
  4. The past few years I have come to depend on scent . I found one that I have so much confidence in I buy a bottle everytime I see one. Put it on my jigs& plastics for bass ,pike , panfish. Put it on my Flies for steelhead last spring . Also on my skien for Salmon & Trout . It flat out works. Turned My Friends on to it and guys I see on the water. Didn't do much trolling this last year but will try it this coming year. You are not getting bit , put some on , next cast a fish. Do that a few times & you find out quick it's the squat drops.
  5. They could be perch or smallmouths or sheepheads or carp, ETC. Everything you mark is not a salmon or Trout . Many years ago a good friend told me this and it is a good thing to remember.
  6. Rustolium glow at lowes. I put a base of white, then glo and mist the color I want over it then clear coat. Make sure all paints are compatible so it wont flash & crinkle.
  7. Drop backs are the best steelheads on the fly of the year. They have so much power & they can smash the fly ,jump and tear up the creek. . Might be a little late but there will be some left in the fast water & riffles of the Salmon if not real warm early.
  8. I have older easi trolls on my small boat and use #10 herbies for the last 10 years ,no problems . I usually only fish in decent weather waves . 60' or less mostly but I have had them down to 90 ' .The drag washers dried up so I drilled a few holes in the spool and use a screwdriver across housing through spool to hold it at depth. It works.
  9. I like # 3 & # 4 Jplugs,tiger plugs , And some old #3 canadian plugs ( J plug type with single treble attached. ) I redo the hook harnesses w #65 braid and use size 1 on 3's and 1/0 on 4's ls374 trebs . I use them almost exclusivly after labor day for staging fish in my small boat. Off riggers 25-150' back . I run 1 or 2 and that's it. I like the old glo green flouresent w/ or W/o ladderback, silver bullet , cut plug ,and my first thing in the morning hands down favorite pearl white red head w/ black dots. I have a gold one that catches fish when nothing else works, a watermelon that has its days also a jet black w/ purple ladder back and others I painted . Found at least half of them floating. I have had days over the past 10 years where I alone have boated 7-8 kings by 8 am. This past year I went out 7 times and had 1 on, so go figure. i
  10. HB2


    Anyone who can say Brady is not the best ever to play the position must be blind . What bothers me is as a Bills fan is how far we have to go. Epic collapse for Atlanta. Atlanta fans , I feel your pain . An interception last min against the SEA Hawks and now this.
  11. HB2


    Picks I'll be first Atlanta 33 NE 31
  12. 20 trillion in debt. Bet Angela Merkel wishes she did what Trump did on refugee ban. It's a mess over there. We don't need that here.
  13. Another verse.... Donald Trump Donald Trump Forever shall we hold our dobbers high ! high ! high! Come along and bring your dong... Oh no wait ! wait! Flag on the play . Sorry I got confused.
  14. All I know is we are 20 Trillion dollars in debt. When the money runs out ,the rest won't matter. Need guys who know money to fix the problem . He is letting the rest of the world know we aren't going to be chumps anymore.
  15. My mind wanders so to amuse myself I wrote a little song............................And it goes like this ( think Mickey Mouse) . Whose the leader of the country that's made for you and me D-O- N A-L-D T--R-U-M-P Donald Trump USA! Donald Trump USA! Forever shall we hold our flags high ! high! high! high ! Come along and sing our song and make our country great again! D-O-N A-L-D T-R-U-M-P !! What do you think ? Right on Bro .
  16. You have to pick your times. Spring browns close to shore , Nice summer days out to say 200' . late summer/ fall for staging kings. Can't get to far from port. Setup of boat is critical for safety & success. I have a 16' I troll staging kings and I love it ,but many days I am stuck in the creek fishing for bass .
  17. HB2

    Boat Trailers

    When I bought my 21 fter I wanted a roller trailer and was willing to pay more for it . Guy talked me into bunks & I am glad he did. Launch easy, loads easy as my 16 fter and always goes on straight. Safer. & better for hull .
  18. Remember the " Birthers" ? So the people who say Trumps win was not legitimate are " ILLIGITERS "?
  19. So someone tell me with a straight face there are not guys out on the lake catching and selling the fish ..
  20. Islamaphobe , homophobe, war on women, Blah, blah ,blah. PC and Lib media crowd lost all their power . Cuomo next
  21. Enough with the race card already .
  22. It's Over !!! Great day for America . Best part of it for me was election night and the look on Rachel Maddow's face when she realized Hillary was going to loose . Priceless .
  23. HB2


    Yes , but all the fish up there are wild , or at least I think . So that makes our problem , a little more fixable. The Creel survey boats with the big orange bumpers ( what a job, how do I get paid for that ) could say to the SR hatchery ," these guys pounded the kings this year, better grab some extra eggs so they have some kings to catch in a few years". Could be as simple as that . Maybe they are doing that already , or I would hope.
  24. Chick Fillet soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read many years ago shortly after the Zebra invasion that Ohio was considering dumping raw sewage into lake erie for the bottom of the food chain to eat. Was probably knee jerk and don;t think anything came of it.
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