If the old one works, leave it alone but add a second one. One should be automatic with a float switch, usually the lower one. Have the other on a switch.
Nothing about boats is cheap, call around and get a couple more prices to compare. But sounds about right to me. The real hard part is finding someone who can do it right away, seems like everyone is two to four weeks out. Good luck!!
No, I have no idea why he’s not getting a surface speed? What I’m saying is once he tries the probe if his transducer is tilted forward that much combined with the blow back on the probe he’s going to get sporadic readings from the probe. I have my transducer tilted back to compensate for blow back so it can still communicate with the probe.
I’d say you have it tilted to far forward, your probe is going to have blow back. I know that doesn’t solve your current problem but could solve a future problem.
Good luck Mike, the trailering is getting old every weekend, I’ve been looking for something to leave in a dock. We’ll probably see you in a couple weeks.