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June 27, 2016
Last visited
July 22, 2023
Everything posted by WPB2286
What kind of price you looking to get Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Action was still good inside, was catching steelhead this morning in 106 fow temp was 50-56 degrees 60 ft down. Slid out to 240 and trolled south with the waves had good action in 150 fow 58 ft down. Was tough this morning with waves but managed to find some fish. Good luck tomorrow! Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Nice! Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Where you located Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Nijajordan, yes!! Has never ran so good! Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Got a call this morning and was told my outboard was fixed! After running some errands I headed out to pick up my boat and headed straight for Sandy. Met up with my two brothers we had at great night, could hardly keep lines in water! Went 12 for 14! Good luck to those in the shootout tomorrow, wish I could've been in but I wasn't sure my boat would of been ready by then. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Wishing I was out there... Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Never mind Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'm interested Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Went out for a cruise today to test my motor after being in the shop for a week and noticed that the lake had flipped. Surface temp on my graph showed 44 degrees from near shore out to 150 fow. In my travels I found lots of bait and good marks in 60-70 fow. I wanted to drop a line in but I was very frustrated with the performance of my motor and needed to get back to take it back to dealer... SMH.... Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
He's done work on my wifes 2004 gtx Sea-Doo Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Try Rochester Mower- 1303 Manitou Rd, Hilton, NY 14468 Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Yesterday fleas were bad at Sandy....
That's how it goes Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Where are you located Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Had a rough day today, fished inside 2 lakers 1 brown. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I bought it, Sorry fellas Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Intrested Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Z Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Is this boat still available? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Still available, 300 for the pair? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Where is Bald Eagle? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Is this boat still available
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
How many volt?
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United