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  1. All gear has sold thank you
  2. Replied to your text thanks
  3. ALL GEAR HAS SOLD THANKS!!!!! 2 okuma CV45 reels with 10’ ugly stick rods With twill tips 1000’ wire line with braid backing Combos have not seen water $200.00 each 1 okumaCV45 spooled with 300’ copper With okuma copper trolling rod 8’6” New never used. $200.00 Spin Doctors $8.00each Meat rig paddles. $8.00 each spoons $5.00each 2 pancake 10# weights $50.00 for the pair fiberglass handle extendable net 75.00 I can text pics You can call or text me for info 216-509-2362 Thanks Jim
  4. Pro kings Nks NK mags silver streaks etc. 125 spoons located in Cleveland ohio 275.00 will split shipping box included
  5. Thanks that answers my concerns i think the reason for mounting on bow is for portability my transducer will be on the transom
  6. I know a guy that has his mounted that way thanks for the info
  7. Has anyone mounted there fish hawk transducer to their bow mount trolling motor thanks jim
  8. Stingers are sold
  9. I do have a box of 2 1/2” spoons custom painted by me these are all single hooked lake Erie walleye love them 275.00 shipped in the usa there is 95 spoons in the box i attached pics the one pic is a wonderbread stinger next to chicken wing custom for comparison
  10. Price reduced
  11. I have a lot of stinger spoons for sale there is 60 of the 3 3/4 size 54 of the 2 1/4 size box is included $375.00 shipped in the us can text more pics text if interested 216-509-2362 thanks
  12. 39 Top 20s some custom painted all are in new condition 200.00 shipped in us pay pal
  13. Reefs have sold
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