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Everything posted by FishingFool34

  1. 4am til noon? Just an fyi you can only fish the river from 1/2hr before sunrise to 1/2hr after sunset. Sunrise is like 6:40am so I hope you weren't actively fishing at 4am... If you're unsure of the regulations you really need to do some research and find out for sure. As others said the estuary falls under the river regulations.
  2. I answered in your other thread, but most ppl are using floating egg sacs above a weight. I don't recommend trolling in the estuary, there are specific rules for lure types and number of hooks also.
  3. While I do agree with this and do make a lot of purchases locally, it's hard to deny that website isn't very tempting... 25-28 days shipping time obviously ruins things a little bit. The 50% off over $500 sale right now is insane if it is a legit site! 4 Tekota 600s prespooled with wire for $280 after the discount... thats $70 a reel, $70 won't even get you a Magda reel spooled with wire!
  4. Seeing they are affiliated with paypal I would prolly be ok with a purchase from them. You can always contact paypal and make sure they really are affiliated and see if they have had any issues dealing with them. I've had pretty good luck with paypal customer service.
  5. After this first happened I actually bought a handheld VHF radio to have as a backup to my fixed radio just in case. Tested this radio out yesterday, Uniden MHS75... floating, JIS8 rating, 16/9 button, memory feature, channel scan, weather stations, 12hr battery life, rechargeable battery... I picked up chatter clear as day as well the CG broadcasts. All for $75, how can you justify not having one?
  6. I doubt anything you have now will perform much better with just a new transducer. Most of the benefits of the new units are a combination of better/faster processing along with a better transducer. CHIRP is in the headunit so a new transducer wouldn't get you CHIRP in an old unit. However, MEGA imaging is in the transducer, but a MEGA transducer will not provide a non MEGA headunit with the MEGA imaging.
  7. Got to try out the blacks releases yesterday... gotta say I'm impressed. No issues with false releases, I was able to crank down my rods more than usual, released everytime a fish hit with no issues. The biggest thing I noticed was how easy they manually released if I wanted to change a lure. With a quick snap of the rod they released even down 100ft, I could never get my pinch pads to release like that. Super simple to hook up the line, not sure why everyone hasn't switched over to these from the pinch pads.
  8. I would look into a Humminbird Helix 12 MEGA DI CHIRP for the full $2k, If you wanna save some money you can look into the Helix 10 ($1300) or even 9 ($1000)... But MEGA DI CHIRP sounds like what you want. Both the 10s and 9s are offered with the MEGA DI transducers and both are CHIRP units.
  9. What kind of boat/motor? What kind of fishing? Any other functions you want (ie. side/down imaging, autopilot, engine monitoring)?
  10. Same deal here left PG around 7 dropped in 90fow marked fish for the next 4hrs. Went out to 120 with fish on screen the whole time. Picked up 3 on FF off riggers down 75ft and 85ft and 1 on meat rig off dipsey set down 70ft that we lost at the boat. Was def busy out there today, wind picked up around 11 and we called it. Ended 3/4 biggest fish at just over 26lbs.
  11. I hear fishing is still good out deep (200+fow), be careful out there Sat though. South wind means further out you go the worse the conditions will be. I'm holding off until Sun/Mon personally, I'd rather fish in the rain than 3 foot waves.
  12. I looked at the chamberlains and liked the ability to adjust rod tensions as well as release tension. It would cost me $60 for chamberlains vs $16 for Blacks... being I have never used either and both seem to be reviewed very well, I figured I would start with Blacks and upgrade to Chamberlains if I liked the concept.
  13. Just an FYI the backing needs to be the 19 strand torpedo wire to have the same sink rate past the weighted steel line.
  14. https://www.wivb.com/news/local-news/niagara-co-sheriff-fatal-boating-accident-happened-in-the-orleans-co-waters-of-lake-ontario/1395425744
  15. I have been getting alot of false releases with my pinch pad style releases so I decided to try the blacks releases. I ordered the style with the loop on top and snap on the bottom, my question is on your probe rigger do you install these above or below your probe? I'm a little concerned about a $10 release supporting my $300 probe. I'm unable to install a release directly to my downrigger cable as my boat and riggers are close to the water level and there is only maybe 2" of cable left between the pulley and the rubber stop once the autostop stops the riggers. I would need to install risers on my riggers if I wanted to attach directly to the cable.
  16. That's one incorrect fact... "many" would be the number of spelling errors in your response lol. Like I said I'm not 100% fluent on the rules, I prefer to just avoid any and all potentially dangerous situations by acting first and long before there is any concern. I appreciate you correcting my error though
  17. Yup I agree with that, but this was Chesapeake Bay. That could have been a tuna fishing boat which I believe are considered commercial fishing vessels. We also don't know if that the boat was actively fishing at the time or just underway... that could possibly change things as well.
  18. Interesting situation... I'm not 100% fluent in the navigational rules, especially with a sailboat under sail being involved. If they were both power boats the fishing boat has the right of way in that situation. But a powerboat is required to "give-way" to a sailboat under sail... but a sailboat is required to "give-way" to a commercial fishing vessel. I'm pretty sure that is how it supposed to go, I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I guess technically it comes down to if that fishing boat is considered a commercial fishing vessel? Sure seems like the fishing boat should have given way to the sailboat as sailboats almost always have the right of way vs powerboats.
  19. One thing I have always wanted to try is day-time swordfishing. There are alot of other salt-water fish I would love to catch (Blue/Yellow fin tuna, Tarpon, Wahoo, Marlin). For freshwater species there is Sturgeon and I have yet to break the 35lb mark on salmon which is something I would really like to do!
  20. I've dealt with him before he's not local... I believe he's somewhere in Minnesota.
  21. Another one caught today...
  22. I was out there Sunday as well and if that's what you call pretty bad, be glad you weren't out there around 4th of July! It's 10x better now than it was in the beginning of July. I had a dipsey out for well over an hour and had maybe a 10" section of fleas on it when I brought it back in, it was triple that in 1/4 of the time in July.
  23. nope, fresh non-ethanol gas is what I would use. I don't use any type of additives unless its for winter storage or for some reason I can't find non-ethanol gas.
  24. Saw this on the DSR website, guy said he landed 2 salmon and lost a 3rd.
  25. Sometimes I have to have a less experienced person steer my boat while I set/move lines among other things. I always tell them, assume every boat out here has at minimum of 1-2 football fields worth of lines dragging behind their boats. This usually gets their attention and has them asking me if we are ok anytime there is a boat within 1000ft of us.
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