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Everything posted by FishingFool34

  1. Wow, headed up tomorrow myself for the weekend... not exactly what I was hoping to hear. Anyone tried fishing in the BRB or black river itself?
  2. Will these work on Gen 1 Cannons?
  3. put me next in line if he changes his mind.
  4. Only thing I can think of is he's telling us what he had his riggers set at? But lots of variables to that to figure a depth...
  5. Another vote here for Humminbird and Helix units.... you can pick up a helix 9 new in the $600 range.
  6. Helix units from Humminbird are imo the best you can get for the price... Couple things you want to ask yourself before you buy one though... do you have a trolling motor? if so what brand? Do you want side/down imaging or is screen size more important? Need GPS? Will you ever want to run multiple units? Any sonar unit will only give surface temp. For down temp/speed/depth you will need a fishawk unit with a probe. Goodluck!
  7. Was there Saturday... 90-110 fow was best for us... all FF bite.
  8. Sale pending at the moment.
  9. I have an old Beckman walleye net with a 4ft handle and you can't connect another handle to it. They offer 4ft, 6ft, 4-7ft, 6-9ft handles for their new nets according to the new catalog. I emailed them last week asking about purchasing one as I read on another forum about ppl buying them via email. Haven't heard anything back yet...
  10. Asked the size of the net and was told "This is too much of a hassle" and then he stopped responding to me.... Needless to say I'm still looking for a net.
  11. Yup 18 footer here too... I was hoping to get 2 days up there this weekend with the holiday but looks like only tomorrow is going to be any good weather wise.
  12. Looks like tomorrow should be a good day? Or am I missing something? I see 6mph winds in Mexico and a wave forecast of 2' or less. Just double checking before I make the 3hr round trip...
  13. How long is the handle?
  14. https://m.facebook.com/pg/PLINEFISHING/posts/?ref=page_internal&mt_nav=1
  15. Funny you mention that... I did some research last night and looks like Pline acquired and brought back the Beckman brand. I actually emailed them last night hoping they can tell me where I can purchase one. Seems like they are doing a pretty poor marketing job with Beckman as most ppl (myself included) thought they were still out of business and have no clue where to go buy one.
  16. That's the exact net that broke on me this weekend lol... I guess I shouldn't say broke, it did get the fish into the boat but cracked that black plastic yoke. Gonna pass on that one, thanks though
  17. Landing Net Had a little mishap this weekend and needless to say I need a new net... only requirement is your relatively close so pickup can arranged. I don't know for sure but feel shipping would prolly be expensive for something this size. Utica/Rome/Syracuse Area
  18. Glad I'm not the only one having a hard time lol! You can read the reports here and see people doing well, but remember you don't usually hear from the people that had bad days! We fished 8 hours today outta mexico managed 1 8lb king and a 1lb brown that we didn't notice until we pulled lines to go home. Add in 3hrs of drive time to the lake and back... yeah bad day here too.
  19. heard its been real slow out of Mexico... I'm headed up tomorrow myself, guess we will start out deep?
  20. Modified Inline Planer Boards I was reading the Pro-Tips section on the Bloodrun website and came across this article on modifying Church/Offshore walleye boards to be able to pull copper and leadcore. Curious to know if anyone has tried this with any success? How much copper/LC were you able to pull with walleye boards? I have 3 pairs of walleye boards and wouldn't mind trying this on a set if I knew it worked well. https://bloodruntackle.com/inline-planer-board-modifications/
  21. $300 Shipped FIRM!
  22. yeah that makes sense, odds are I still wont see them on my sonar either way and no point in ruining my gear over it. Just put a new motor in one rigger and it wasn't cheap. I use a fishawk TD so I usually have a pretty good idea of where I'm at depth wise. What are the Pros/Cons on torpedos vs sharks?
  23. I've seen those and always wondered about them... seems to me they would cause some significant drag when being pulled backwards by a fish. The back of the cone shape looks about the complete opposite of aerodynamic, hate to lose gear and/or fish because of that.
  24. That's what I was looking for thanks! Now I have to decide if I want to risk upping to 12s or stick with the 10s that I know I can lift.
  25. Pancake vs Shark Weights I know alot of people say you get issues with pancakes and tangles... I have been running 10lb pancakes for two years now without any issues (on a 18ft boat too). I currently cannot see my weights on my sonar and I doubt any style 10lb weight will allow me to see them at salmon speeds. But I was curious how much less blow back I would see by switching to shark style weights. Im running older Cannon Mag 10s so I really can't lift anything over 10, maybe 12lbs max. I guess I want to make sure the difference will be worth the $100+ a set of sharks will cost.
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