Report for yesterday:
Blew a trailer tire on the way to the lake, so I launched out of Meyers at 9am. Came out and ran across to the west side and started a north troll south of Taughannock. Surface temp was 58 degrees, Thermocline was at 110-120. We marked fish and bait on the sonar in the 70-130 range for the majority of the day. We ran riggers and wire divers started out with FF and bare spoons and picked up a few lakers, switched it up with some cowbells with limited sucess. Then trolled across the lake to the power plant landed 5, lost 2 others Turned and headed south picked up a few but finally found the ticket a bit after lunch. We turned and headed north with small dodgers and small spoons and had multiple simultaneous hookups with nice lakers and LL landed, headed back to the launch at 5:00pm . All in all a great day, the advice was spot on. Thanks!