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Everything posted by bluegiller

  1. Go west ..find the warm water it all got pushed west ..put in at Wilson and fish west if you have to even go further west. Sent from my moto z4 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. I fish solo alot mostly before work, so short morning trips. If you run a diver with a flasher fly off divers the truck is to just shorten your leads. If you have a 10 foot diver rod make you lead off the back of the diver only 5 to 6 feet. I have learned alot of days fish like those shorter leads any way and I end up running them that way even when I have others on the boat. I love watching guys with 10 plus feet of leader hand over hand, scramble and miss net fish when there is 4 guys on the boat. Also I have learned alot of tricks to help ..I have extra rod holders for my rigger rods so when I hook a fish on my diver I move the rigger rods to them. It puts the rod out further and more forward, making a larger area in the back to net fish. Also It leaves my rigger rod holders open so I can stick my net in there when the fish gets close. That way it is right there so when the perfect time comes you can just grab it stick it under the fish and drop the rod tip quick so they swim right in and then that rod holders is wide open to toss the rod in so you can use both hands to lift the fish in the boat.. sometimes even when some one is with me and I am fighting the fish I net it myself. I have been salmon fishing solo on lake Ontario for over 30 years, in that amount of time you learn some tricks to make it easier. But every once Inna while I still have one crazy fish cause me some troubles. These early season kings can be a pain. They play opossum come right to the boat then go crazy. I had one this spring do that , came right in then took off but went forward , between my cable and the boat then before I could pass the rod though he was cutting across the bow and I had to run to the front of the boat pass the rod around the planner mast. Then get back to turn the boat quick to get him back behind it.. and some how I still landed him.. Sent from my moto z4 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. I have seen sculpin in brown trout .. Sent from my moto z4 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Not sure where you are located but I am near oak orchard , and just up the road we have the best tire shop around. There prices are great and they will help you get the right tire for the load. They solved my problem. It called transit tire http://www.transittiresales.com If your close it's worth it. Just tell them what your weight is and make sure you include all the gear. ..they will hook you up with the right tire and you will never have any more problems as long and you keep the air pressure correct. Sent from my moto z4 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. If they are wearing even it's not an alignment problem. I had problems on mine and I asked all over no one seemed to know how to help it then. I went to my local tire shop with it to get new tires and I asked them. They set me up with much heavier rated tires.. fixed my problem I have run these for 3 years. With no problems . Sent from my moto z4 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Only two things I can think of is speed or line size. I run 12 on my spring rods. Thicker line like 20 might do that. Or just going to fast. That's about the only things I can think of. Like I said I have for years run spoons off my boards and never had that problem. Sent from my moto z4 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. I run spoons off my boards all the time with no added weight. I only do it early and when fishing really shallow.. stingers , dw Super Slim's only go down about 2 to 3 foot but catch tons of fish in skinny water. Pirate 44's ot nk's small spoons will get down 5 to 6 foot .. I will run a couple spoons and a couple of stick baits off my boards..if you want to get them deeper try a split shot about 5 foot in front of it ...just be carful letting them.out to fast when your in shallow or you will hang them up . Another good spoon move in shallow is put then back like 20 to 30 feet back and set rigger a couple foot above bottom. So if your in 8 foot of water put them down 6 ..and in 10 put them down 8 that can be a killer Sent from my moto z4 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Stop posting about the ramps post like this will get them all closed.. the best way to handle this is use them and keep your mouths shut ..if people ask pm them and explain ..under the radar is the best way to fly.. Sent from my moto z4 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Only the east side one that is run by the county. The one on the west side run by the state, the gate is shut . Or at least 2 days ago. And no docks on the east east side yet . Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Buy carbon fibers from here . I put them in all my reels they never wear out and stay smooth . I don't have okuma's but have put these in all my 47,and 27lc's https://stores.tunasreeltroubles.com/okuma-fishing-reel-parts/ Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. Gun parts are fine for now, our fine down state friends are trying to out law selling any gun parts , but they have not done it yet, as long as it's not the reciever that carries the serial number you are ok at least for now. But the actual reciever in NY there is no person to person sales of any kind. I you have a firearm and want to sell it to anyone you must take I to an FFL dealer and they will do the transfer . At a cost to both parties. And some one said as long as it does not have the firing pin thats false also because most handgun the firing pin is in the upper slide , and those are ok to sell the part thats considered the firearm is the lower frame that carries the serial number..also the same with an AR style firearm the bolt and carrier with the firing pin is in the upper and those are ok to sell and trade, the serial number again is on the lower reciever. It's all tricky so the best way to keep out of hot water is to be very careful Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. Pete, I sure can this is the painting in my home office I had that pic on my phone already . I will take pics of the other this week and post them too.. you can see his signature fly in the pic also. I have. Couple of those he tied for me also just stuck in a shelf of a shadow box in my office also. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. You don't need a stuffer just a grinder almost every grinder comes with stuffing tubes. Just get a foot peddle it's so easy to stuff them from the grinder. And if you get the spices from LEM everything I have tried from them is really good. Only tricky part is getting the mix of pork and venison right.. once you figure out what pork to buy and how much to use it's easy. I change the amount of pork I use for different types of sausages.. the ones I smoke or cook like summer sausage I use a little more pork than for breakfast. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. This is very cool I miss him ..I have a couple of his paintings and carvings..every time I stopped to see him was an adventure, you never knew what he might be up to or what he might say. There will never be another like him ever. Thanks for sharing this I brightened a rainy crappy day for me. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. I have one it's not fussy at all.i have never seen savage that shot bad. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. What does under way mean? If I am fishing using the trolling motor to hold my position is that underway? If I am anchored is it ok to not have one on. That law makes no sense. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. That's your problem you need a much lower priced one like evan green label or old crow Kentucky...nothing well when naked salmon fishing Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. The real problem is the whiskey ... Everyone knows size does not matter Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. I have run buckets before they suck ..they bang on the sides of the boat and drive you crazy . Also they are not as easy to store they take up a lot more room than bags. But if you do use buckets drill holes for 2 reasons they actually slow you alot more with holes bc it let's water flow though them not just around them . And second it makes it alot easier to pull them out of the water a bucket full of water is heavy and if it's rough at all it's hard to reach over it dump them..all and all for the few dollars bags coat it's well worth it ..just get the small ones no need to go to big. They slow you alot .. on my boat it's over 2mph slower when I dump the bags in.. I run mine all the time even when I can get slow enough. It moves the boat handle so much better and let's you get your motor rpms up so they run so much smoother Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Oh and forgot ...the rear rope is a savior if you ever forget and take off running with them out. The front rope breaks and the bags just skim across the water behind.. trust me ...I been there . Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. Trust me many years of trolling never ever do a plate ...they suck you loose your steering and they are not good for your motor.. buy 2 small bags and run them all the time..you can keep the rpms up makes steering in wind easier and your motor will run better.. make sure you hook them to the from of the boat if you have cleats in the front use those or use the front eye you use to trailer it. Then run them about 3/4 way back the boat with a rope on the back tied off to the back of the boat..does 2 things makes them easy to pull..grab the back rope and they dump out the larger front ...and keep the rear rope kinda tight it keeps them right on the sides out of the way and makes the boat control so much better .. and always run them both ..better buying 2 small ones and run them both..if you run one the boat will pull to that side all the time.. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. That boat is fine most days ..if it's too rough for that boat it's not fun on any boat. I fish a 18 foot alumicraft all the time. Watch the weather pick good days and catch tons of fish. I think smaller boats actually catch more fish some days. The nice thing about smaller boats is you get more use out of them because you can trailer and launch them easy..of all your going to do is fish lake Ontario then get a bigger boat bit if you want an all around fishing boat 17 and 18 footers are great Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. You did not hurt my feelings at all or offend me and i know one pier fisherman that is at almost every single meeting ( that's was to Gamblers response also) and I am not really a pier guy it a river guy anymore either. And yes every boat has had a great few Summers on the lake imcluding me. I used to fish probably 70 or more days a year in the rivers or streams mostly for steelhead. I don't do that at all anymore mostly because I have found other sports that I enjoy at that time of the year. And I don't really ever target steelhead I any way anymore but I did help with the pens this year. And if asked will don't again next year. I would have help with the salmon I offered but was never asked after I offered. I have fished this lake since I was around 5.. I kinda left fishing for salmon on the lake for a few years while my kids were younger and I was traveling alot for work. But I always kept my eye what was going one. Yes this lake has changed huge.but the basics of the salmon are the same, all spring and summer they follow the food and every year the mature fish head up some river to spawn. I don't know the total reason they have left using the western end rivers but sure be nice if they would return. And it might be as simple as the huge number of fish we catch all year are not the ones stocked here. We might be fishing Canadian fish, eadt end fish and wild fish. So maybe the ones returning here are all that are left of out imprinted fish. But I do know this if the river and lake guys hate on each other and dont work together it won't improve Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. This is such a bad way to represent this fishery , not every person has the means to have a 30 foot plus boat and thousands of dollars in electronics. A long with down riggers , divers , lead core, copper, meat rigs. This was not made to be a rich guy sport. Don't get me wrong I love to catch salmon on the lake all year. I don't find them to be great table fair anytime. I keep a couple a year to eat, mosty ones I hurt so I can't release them.. it's only a sport to me, I would never eat one of the fall dark fish but I will never shame anyone if they want to. And just because you don't enjoy something why tell others they can't . I have caught 1000's of salmon. Every way posable , spring trolling , summer trolling , fall wall trolling , casting from the pier , drifting in the stream, trolling I'm the creek. Every way has it's own fun and skill. To me dragging a 400 copper or a 500 copper and catching a 15 pound salmon is horrible. Would much rather cast at the pier and fell one hit than ever drag a copper line to catch one...but I don't tell people not to drag a copper fish around at 3 mph and reel for 20 mins while it fights the line...so if guys want to fish for pier fish and enjoy it you should not belittle them. This just my opinion every angler that buys a nys fishing license should have a fair chance at catching the fish our DEC spends that money to stock. Not just the ones who book a charter or can afford the equipment to fish them in deep water. If anything the everyday angler should hate the charter fleet for only paying the same license fee and get the chance make a living off it. Now don't think I think that way because I don't but trust me some of the guys that can't afford that fishery sure hate that is the same price them as you. I get the whole picture charters bring huge dollars to the fishery , everyone that books has to stay, eat, drink, and pay for a fishing license. Those money's are a huge part of nys income. But also there is some huge dollars spent each year by shore and small boat fisherman. My entire point is this is a huge fishery with many people making money off it and many people enjoying it. If you take away one part the other will suffer .. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  25. Well Vince as always you showed your class. You could have easily stooped to his level. But you just defended your self with facts and honest opinions based on what you have seen in your many hours on the water. And I remember when you started your charter business many many years ago and I have always been impressed with your attention to detail and how you always paid attention to every little thing, all to make you a better fisherman. I am sure you have taken note of alot more than most anglers so I like hearing your point of view on what's happening in the lake. Keep up the fight for all of us fellow fisherman Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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