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  1. For sale. Headunit, transducer and mounts included. May need new hardware for the mounts as what I would include has been on my boat for a while. No map chips included. No other accessories. System works like new, but the condition is used. Local pickup, or willing to ship, but you will have to pay the shipping cost. Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Don't worry, I don't plan to stick around where there's lots of people to catch and kill my fish much longer lol. Regardless, you still have no knowledge about how many they caught, the true size of that fish, how often they keep fish, etc. I get the animosity, believe me. I'm a flyfisherman who has kept maybe a half dozen fish ever and almost vomit everytime i see someone with a wild fish on a stringer. That doesn't mean this guy's in the wrong. Morals and ethics are subjective, and just because we may disagree or see a bigger picture doesn't mean we're any better. If you (or I) really wanted to do all we could to preserve what we have, we'd stop fishing altogether. I can guarantee you that will never happen with me until the day I die. In fact it's likely I'll die in a river. Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. Though I agree with you as I'm a young guy and therefore have more stake in conservation than many, for all you know, it could be the first bass they've kept in 50 years. There is no need for a thumbs down or an angry rant. Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Wish you had thrown the brookies back, but do us all a favor and pass those photos on to the dec! Hopefully, they will start stocking on a consistent basis; those are fat healthy fish! Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. Thanks I really appreciate the reply. Trying again today, and will give an update on ice conditions after all the rain and warm weather Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Man I can't catch a laker out of hemlock or canadice to save my life. Can you share the depth you got that one at as well as how aggressive she wanted it? I got one bite, deadsticking a tube jig on the bottom in about 80 fow in canadice last Saturday. But that's about the only action I've had after fishing each lake about 5 times. I've tried aggressive, I've tried subtle, tried deep, tried shallow, tried morning, afternoon, evening. I get looks, and then lazy fish sinking back to the bottom. I'm going mad, and the window for safe ice is closing rapidly. Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Price reduced 155->135 Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Bump Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Thanks for the maps! I wonder how accurate they are... Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Wow first trip and you iced 3! Good for you man. I've been out 4 times on hemlock and 2 on canadice... 1 hookup. I've had a few chasers, but they're lazy, and I can't turn them into biters Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. Bump Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. You can always call them and ask. Region 8 office Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. I forgot to ask how many and how big. He did say not many though. Does that mean dozens or a few hundred? I don't know, but yes it was an unplanned stocking so first in a long time. On a different note. Still no Lakers for me. Anyone have a good 1' contour map of hemlock or canadice and care to share? Or any advice for either lake? Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. Bring some black clousers for the reds! Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. I never measured it, but my guess would be somewhere around 15-17" Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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