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dry net

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Everything posted by dry net

  1. My friend and and I are finally going to try and make our own blades. Is there a one stop shop for lure tape? Been on a few sites and they are about as much fun to navigate as a tooth ache. Thanks for your time, Matt
  2. awesome trout !
  3. I have an old style Ugly Stick dipsey rod in med heavy. It's 10' long and an absolute club. Look at the Talora, I like them a lot better. Good luck, Matt
  4. Are all bands biodegradable?
  5. Michigan Angler sells two sizes of bands depending on what depth you're fishing. Suppose to biodegradable, makes me feel better. We have had zero issues using bands and blacks since we figured it out. We may not be the sharpest! Good luck, Matt
  6. I'll buy a set please, Pm sent
  7. He painted me 2 LL salmon color. Look outstanding!
  8. Thank you
  9. Am I mistaken or are they owned by lowrance
  10. That's a beauty! Congratulations
  11. Why no shot?
  12. The best thing that I've found for keeping my feet warm is to spray them with unscented underarm deodorant before going out. It really dose help out with the sweat. Good luck !
  13. If you could make them perform like Cisco I'd be interested !
  14. It is possible to tie the buckets to the back cleat and not have them bang into the boat. Ran buckets for years with no problem. I drilled alot of holes in the bottom and was able to get a 50 2 stroke down to 1.5. Good luck, Matt
  15. Sorry, It's linkage between the main and kicker. But it works well.
  16. mine is by sea star
  17. You just sold awesome bt rods to us.
  18. Makes me want to sell mine to buy that. Good luck with the sale!
  19. I own a TDR, it's a club!
  20. Not if your from NH
  21. What weight are those ?
  22. In Fisherman did a musky show last year, can't remember the name of the lodge but should be easy to look up from their archives.
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