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  1. I’m looking for the 2 1/2 inch sized cotton cordell cc shads. Any color.
  2. How fast and slow do you recommend trolling scorpions? Thanks
  3. Sold pp
  4. SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But not for 40
  5. Sold!!!!!!!!!!
  6. 10 total hard to find pirates 7 55’s 3 66’s one 66 ripped out of the Package 45.00 shipped pay pal only
  7. OEM The six custom lazor spooks got new rings and hooks
  8. 10 new old stock NK 28’s 30.00 shipped PayPal only lot 4
  9. Actually 2 of the them have seen water. The others are brand new just opened out of old stock last year. With shipping included no tax that’s under 4 dollars a piece. Try and find those colors. Give me a break
  10. 20 most all have not seen water 80.00 that includes shipping pay pal only lot 3
  11. 20 nk mags some have never seen water some used all have newer hooks excellent condition 60.00 shipped PayPal only lot 2
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