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Everything posted by Inthebox30lbs

  1. They are catching Kings on the shipping lane “wall” right now.
  2. Size 61 I believe, 10 brand new blanks painted by https://m.facebook.com/nantahalanailer/ new hooks and rings. Painted in emerald shiner and pink dolphin. Ready for summer browns and lakers. Pay pal only $48.00 that includes shipping
  3. Don’t be afraid to go north towards Stoney point. A lot less fishing pressure and plenty of fish
  4. Just another classic example of New York state sucking money from honest people because the state is flat broke. Why don't they put that energy and harass all the crack heads running around upstate's cities. Street checks and gas station checks.
  5. 4 riggers, one flasher fly, three Nk 28’s, flasher fly 20 back up high to draw em in. Spoons deeper 30-40 back 3.5mph
  6. What was the popular size dodger for kings when the dodger Howie Fly craze hit the lake in the late 90’s early 2000’s?
  7. If you were planning a trip end of July anywhere on the lake where would you go?
  8. Pm sent Again will you ship the riggers?
  9. Lookin for pirate 55’s let me know how many and your price thanks
  10. I fished Sammy pacs for years. Bend them correctly and flat out catch fish. They are the deal. Summer browns on the big pond cant resist them. Scott
  11. If you take PayPal I’ll take em
  12. Does anyone know where you can get the caddyshack lure tape???
  13. Crest liner super hawk 16, it’s for sale 462E59CE-9E1F-4E4C-A714-C9583E08ED8D.MOV
  14. What about shipping them?
  15. Whats likely to happen to the bite on the eastern end with the persistent South East/ South wind forcast their calling for??
  16. These are back for sale
  17. 8 nk L22’s (light version of C5) these are brand new bulk blanks painted by Nantahala Tackle Company 25.00 shipped to your door PayPal only https://m.facebook.com/nantahalanailer/
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