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August 22, 2016
Last visited
August 13, 2018
Everything posted by sondog
and there is much more than posted the boat is like new...ship to shore radio.. otter boards and mast . dipsey divers and rod ..nets..life jackets..and everything is set up to remove quick from a trolling machine ..to a bass walleye boat in 5 minutes litteraly
my computer is crap and wont allow me to post pics
If you would like images of the Boat, Please contact me via Text @ 570-760-1003
Boat For Sale
Boat, Motor & Trailer - $9000 $7000 OBO MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY
Boat - 1994 Starcraft 19'
Motor - 1998 115HP Mercury
Helix 10" Fish Finder w/ Navionics
Minn Kota 70 Pound Thrust Trolling Motor
Fish Hawk Bluetooth Depth & Temp Reader
4 Big John Electric Down Riggers with Extensions Booms
3 Live Wells
5 Seats
Canopy w/ Side Curtains
6 Fishing Rods
Lots of Fishing Tackle/gear - spoons,flies,flashers,down rigger weights
Boat is Coast Guard Approved
Everything to go fishing immediately!!
If you would like images, please text me 570-760-1003
If interested, please contact me via call 570-760-1003
Colorado archery elk hunt
anyone interested in going on a diy elk hunt i have the tent and most supplies going this year aprox aug 26 for aprox 1or 2 weeks call me 570 760 1003
go out in front of Oswego start at 350 go out twards 600 you will find the fish..
15 miles west lol.i did it last week 45 minute ride at 35 mile gota go where the fish are..
Yes we did thanks
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
In Pulaski port lodge !
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I was staying at the same place as you. Talked to you a few times at the hotel . Glad you had fun ang got some fish
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Fish 80 ft of water right on the bottom.we done well
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Yesterday 4 for5 .this morning lost a big fish at the boat .came in green got in the net took off the end of the NEW net poped off and gone net fish spin doctor pro am fly gone going back out now in front of the plant
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Awesome job what a slob ...
Can you send me pics please ??
thanks for the report luckyman .I will be up tomorrow for 2 weeks .i will be in the 19ft starcraft named vicon .good luck everyone....
I will be there Friday for 2 weeks .glad to hear some good news ...
Sorry for your loss sir .i am currently helping my brother fight pancreatic cancer.it is a terrible disease. he is 50 and i am 45 it is hard to handle sometimes .
but that is why we have a memory. too look back and say at least we had the time with them. to make memories you will never forget good luck on all future adventures
Hello everyone my name is sonny .new to trolling avid hunter and fisher live pa .fish out of a 18 ft star craft looks like an octopus .i appreciate all advice if i can help with anything just ask also lease 1000 acres for hunting in pa 5 members and one is my 13 year old son hunter
Any new news from this morning yet ?i am new to this site .it is awesome ..i am upgrading to pro to help with the $$$.as it takes allot of work to control .and thanks everyone for your input to my questions in advance .novice to trolling i will be coming up from pa on Thursday. hope you all have a great day and fill the box...