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Everything posted by 1lastweekend

  1. Humminbird 300TX Tri Beam fish finder, works as it should. I had this mounted on my 12' aluminum boat, but I got a Lowrance Elite 4 ice fishing unit last year, and added a boat transducer so I no longer need the Humminbird. I bought this new in 2002, and it has always worked great. Has speed and surface temp, definitely old school but if you need something basic this will do the trick! Still have the manual too. PM me if you want it, I will leave it in a box on my front porch.
  2. Jeffmac85 i just sent you a PM.
  3. Happy Easter to all, looks like the last day to fish for a few days...The mud line seems to have dissipated and moved out since last week, but still managed to go 2 for 3 browns in 20 FOW. The green and silver stick baits on planers were still the ticket today, only 1 hit on the rigger running wonder bread. Everything right at 2.0 mph. Had to run stuff farther back today, and went to 2 colors of lead instead of 1. Also had to go from the 15lb to 8lb fluoro leader....Still had a happy boy in the boat!
  4. That's too bad looks like you did a great job on the boat...List it here for 9k and see what you get...
  5. And not the most fun ramp to use if your boat is bigger than 16' or so...
  6. Here's a picture of a post and a link to the post from Allison Mayer, one of the owners of Mayer's Marina in Webster. The marina is still open, just no staff in the building. Not sure how I would get gas unless they have a credit card machine set up at the pump...we shall see. But at least I can still fish and keep my boat there this season! https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=allison c. mayer&ref=eyJxcyI6IkpUVkNKVEl5WVd4c2FYTnZiaVV5TUdNdUpUSXdiV0Y1WlhJbE1qSWxOVVEiLCJndiI6ImJlZTA5ZjkzZmE3MzJjZmE1OWExY2I2ZDlmNDUwZDM4OTI0MjRlNDkiLCJlbnRfaWRzIjpbXSwiYnNpZCI6Ijg1YjZkZWFkMjdkM2U4NmZjOTk2ODJkMzgxNzhmZmNhIiwicHJlbG9hZGVkX2VudGl0eV9pZHMiOm51bGwsInByZWxvYWRlZF9lbnRpdHlfdHlwZSI6bnVsbCwicmVmIjoiYnJfdGYiLCJjc2lkIjpudWxsLCJoaWdoX2NvbmZpZGVuY2VfYXJndW1lbnQiOm51bGwsImNsaWVudF90aW1lX21zIjoxNTg2NTE3MzE5NzI5LCJlcHMiOiIvaG9tZS5waHA6dG9wbmV3cyJ9&epa=SEARCH_BOX
  7. Thanks i sent you a PM
  8. If they're the SF-400A's I would be interested. Can you send me a pic? Thanks
  9. ^^^ Yup 1.8-2.0 seems to be the speed right now. I knew we were going too slow the first time we made a turn and the outside planer board line immediately got a hit...
  10. Yup that little Johnson 8 horse just wont quit...But my son was complaining about the smoke, might be time to upgrade to a 4 stroke!
  11. Thanks he is 17 and has been my partner on the boat since he was 10 or so...Loves to troll never gets bored, and has learned to set all the lines!
  12. Not sure why i cant get it to work on original post, here's link: https://youtu.be/N5gBMI2pALY
  13. A great first trip this year with my son/fishing partner, went 13 for 18- all browns except for 1 small coho. Green/silver and black/gold stick baits were the biggest producers. A few on the spoons, orange and wonder bread. Been playing around with a GoPro and YouTube, here is the result, looks pretty cool from the planer mast angle.
  14. Nothing better than Adirondack ice fishing! My son and I go every year for a week in February to my uncle's house and visit all the smaller lakes between Port Henry, Elizabethtown and Ticonderoga. Some days we cant even sit in the hut the flags are going so fast...Nothing like it around Rochester...
  15. Thanks everyone who traded with me! This site is awesome, meet great people too!
  16. My son saw the DEC tanker truck at Webster Park Pier today..What would they be stocking there at this time- Browns and Rainbows?
  17. Great thanks! Anything you would like to trade for them? Thanks, Mike
  18. Sounds good I will net em!
  19. Remember at the end of the week last summer how nobody wanted to fight the fish on the copper?...LOL
  20. Ok sounds good. I just have the 1 plate with 2 rod holders, I tried to take 2 pics to show the rod holders up and down.
  21. I just read an article in Forbes posted earlier today that US citizens in Canada would be allowed to return home. So she should be able to fly/take a bus/train. See the second bullet. Good luck! https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2020/03/18/will-americans-and-canadians-be-able-to-get-home-how-the-border-closure-will-actually-work/#54da83ff5a8e
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