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Everything posted by littlemack01

  1. Thanks for the replies . I'l make a call or two before I come up the next time .
  2. Does anyone know of a place near Oswego that has cutbait ? I travel up for the day only to fish and don't usually have time to tour the lake shore with a boat behind me . Any response would be appreciated .
  3. Launched there 3 weeks ago.
  4. Thanks for the Oswego info .
  5. Thanks for the info. I may have to just work a little smarter launching the boat at Mexico.
  6. Where do you get updates on when Wright's will reopen after the oil spill ? I'm 200 miles away and have a hard time finding out much . Since I launch alone , I need their docks .Thanks
  7. Good Luck . Glad to see a local will be a Captain !
  8. Tenth trip to Oswego this year . Great day to be on water . Started at 350 and zigzaged to 550 from 7 to 11. A couple releases and lots of bait but nothing in boat. Motored in on 6 inch waves for a great end to season . I've had better seasons for catching fish , but it's good to just get on the lake with my little 17 footer. Hope to be back on the water in May.
  9. I've been running Berkley Big game in 30lb test . seems to work on fleas . 40 lb may be better on a calm day .I just check my dipseys more often if on calm water . Waves cut fleas down quite alot .
  10. I ended up ordering a 7 strand from fishusa . Thought it might be better for cutting fleas .Thanks for the info .
  11. Where did you get the fish hawk clamp for your down rigger boom ? Mines in the boat and with long booms , it's always stuttering because the cable is not long enough .
  12. Thanks , I can't remember the brand I originally had on the reel or the lb test
  13. I need to replace the wire on my dipsey rod . Any info on what to replace it with would be helpfull since there seems to be alot of different wire out on the market .Thanks for any replies.
  14. Fished 6-12 on wavy lake with little boat . 100 to 400 and all water put about a foot of fleas on my 12lb test per hour .Next trip the heavy line and big reels will be on boat. Last release the fleas clogged the guides and before I noticed the gears broke in reel and lost fish. By the way , that was out of Oswego.
  15. Left home at 1:30am - on water at 5:30 am. Motored to Ford Shoals and trolled 100 to 450 till noon . 30,40,50,& 60 feet with all sorts of stingers . No hits! Nice boat ride again .Home by 4:30.
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  16. Fished 6 to 12 am .N -S troll from 50 to 100 from college to Alcan with a brown and a Laker by 7am . After a good start the lake went empty . no more hits and very little on screen except some lakers on bottom . lines down 20 , 30 , 40 ,&50. Nice day for boating.
  17. Mike , Your info worked today . 3 for 4 today . one missed was when we had a double . Ended at noon with a ripped off spoon . Thanks again for the starting point .30-40 over50 to 60 .all around 15 lbs .
  18. Thanks for the depth info . Got skunked the last two weeks on browns so I planned on looking for silver this week . Glad to see the new boat's getting stunk up with some nice fish !
  19. Is the dock that's in one of the 2 short floating docks or the one that has the pump station behind the bathroom that's in all year? Their facebook page said a dock was in but didn't say which one . Thanks
  20. Thank's for the reply back . Hope to be up soon .
  21. Thanks ,I was hoping closed means like last year , docks out with no services .
  22. Planning to start coming up in a couple of weeks . Any info on whether launch docks are going in soon or even if launching will be possible ? Last year I started at Fairhaven but Oz has less things in the water to hit when launching .
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