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Everything posted by Sanitarium

  1. Well my new mag 10 stx have arrived. new pulley design, looks like some changes to the low profile base also. gonna look at them for another 2-3 months until i can get rig from storage! I will post late spring after i get some use out of them!
  2. TMD- What happened that the base broke? almost broke? I had one crack where the pin goes in to rotate the base but the rigger itself stayed put! Thanks
  3. Gambler... elaborate on the small increments issue if u dont mind!! Dan
  4. i just opened up this forum to ask the same question. I hope more guys chime in and give good pros and cons of each. I just ordered 2 mag 10 stx mainly because i already have cannon bases on the boat and felt fairly certain they are a good rigger based on some conversations i have had. I have seen some things on amazon reviews that make me a little concerned. the biggest concern is cables poppin off pulley and that they are too fast. i run cowbells and ff combos and dont wanna see them release or wrap around cable because they are droppin too fast. Also how good are they at dropping/raising in small increments? Thanks for your input! Dan
  5. Sounds like a good buy but I am out. Dan
  6. each guy picks a rod and set up to run on it. biggest fish of trip takes the prize! lol!
  7. followed this recipe i found online. It was awesome! Enjoy!!
  8. Down size the rig a little. drop price of ticket. have the tourney. payout for top spots. is this a trout only deal? the more species = more payouts. Those that place in tourney get an additional raffle ticket (s) maybe overall winner gets 2 more. others get 1. shake the can and pull the winner. i am fine with canandaigua lake sometime mid to late june. after Can. Trout Derby Good luck! Dan
  9. how much for just the otters?
  10. how old, how much use, and what is the condition. Thanks, Dan
  11. i hope u r kidding about those 8C tags!! i still have not gotten my license. Dan
  12. Heres a few..ssw, gator, lemon ice, frostbite, c14, bad toad, green dolphin, carmel dolphin, 42nd, candy corn, water melon, crabface, mulatto, spooks, diehard, alewife spoons..these r some of what i run. some days are good and others not. like the others have said there are many other variables to consider. top of the list is a no brainer..., are you fishing where there are fish?? seems to be vast stretches of dead water out there and its a big lake! otherwise.. sometimes long leads sometimes it does not matter. placement in water column, allowing for blow back . i fish the marks cuz i have no probe. speed is huge and when i question speed cuz of wind and down current my bite always suffers. leaders... 20# floro works for me on spoon rods and coppers when pullin spoons. i run anything from nk 28 size to mags. stingray sized stingers seem to produce consistently i think it is a good all around size. It has been a tough year for most of us ...sure some guys do well but they were either lucky, fish often and have things figured out, or got a tip! Hope this helps I know how you feel. Dan
  13. Sad start for sure! At least some peace was brought to the family for your discovery! The not knowing must be agonizing... Hopefully your little guy will want to fish! I have 2 boys one luvs it and the other likes it but gets sea sick easily and is not a big fan of 12 hours days on the water. They get old fast! Congrats on your season.
  14. Definitely some tough fishing out there! we pulled stakes around 130p.. glad we did cuz the south winds started blowin about 1/3 of the way in. Amazing how fast conditions can change out there! did the inside/outside trip again. the bite right in front of genny pier heads was great for the first hour. then the sun came up and things shut down for me. we went 2/5 there and really wish we could have boated those we lost. i doubt they were loc worthy but u never know. one mag spoon came in with about a 60 degree bend in it which gets you thinking about what was on the other end. all mag spoon bite inside except one on j plug but was a small steelhead. we moved mid am and did some prospecting. ended up deep and boated a couple nice steelhead and 9-10# kings. went 4/4 out deep. Had to work for them for sure. I hope things improve over the next few years, guess i am paying my dues now! all rigger bite, all spoon, bad toad, artic ice, gator, C14 were the players today. Planning on hitting the pier heads a few times over the upcoming weeks just to experience that aspect of salmon fishing more.... otherwise i am done!
  15. 2 for 5 in front of genny. one hit folded a mag moonshine a bit. good action first hour.
  16. Just got home fished from 515a-8p roughly. no mature kings. fished from 40 fow to 450. ended the day roughly 12 for 16. biggest king 10#, steelie 10#, and a 14# laker, the rest small browns or skippies. inside has hooks just tend to feel not many are staging kings. I am not sure what i am missing... thru a bunch of stuff at them. Back at it about 7-8 hours! Dan
  17. 380-450 fow 65, 75,85,105 rigger. dipsey and coppers silent. roughly 5 for 7 out deep. mix of small kings and steelies. 10# biggest of each.
  18. 7 for 10. went deep boated 2 of 4 hits both steelhead 8-10#. oh and its kinda hot!!!
  19. 4 for 5 all small. 2 skips and 2 little browns.
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