I can relate. I used to have so much stuff myself when times were better and was younger. after they robbed my truck and my father died I had cancer twice panicked and sold a bunch of stuff but i'm still here and love to fish but don t the same budget used to for fishing or time with my kids playing sports. But now it s time for me to do some fishing and get back to enjoying what used to. i'm serious about a couple charters so please let me know what you have to offer..on that also.
Not to be inconvenient or difficult. If you can tomorrow just line up all the alpenas that you found and fill the tackle panel with them in one photo I can see all of them exactly that would be great...as soon as I would know exactly how many there are excluding the ones I sent payment for then. I will get a better idea. Just tough texting back and forth so much..lol i'm going to hit the hay in a bit but I will recheck this post in the am..and then we can finalize the details and shipping. Thank you for your time. and Effort. Jim
if he's chartering, I'm surprized he 's getting rid of them. Some of them are good lures. Know everyone runs bay rats now and dream weavers/silver streaks etc but those are good brown trout spoons. If I counted correctly after the first three I bought, there were four plus about 17 or so used ones. I will get a better grasp on the ones you have and make an offer on the ones I'm interested in. Def the whites , the chart with firedots and any combination of the purples.maybe the rest of them or a good amount of them but i will have to better evaluate exactly what s there before I can be fair about it.
O.k. I think some of those are sculpins, a couple are chargers and one unidentified but all the greens and glows and purples.purple/pinks are alpenas and so is the blue/green one and the one that has the modfied orange red and yellow. I would def be interested in a fair amount of them. The tackle box is like the same one I had. Willie tackle system.hahah
I've been looking for the same for about a month. Alot of them out there but have to sift through the bad ones. Good luck finding one and I will follow the post and be second in line for any you decline or deflect. As the other responder stated budget may be all the difference because these boats have doubled in price in recent years; truly rediculous. you could buy brand new package at around 20,000 but now 58,000. Used the decent ones i've found range between 10,000 and 30,000 . Once in a rare occassion a little less good luck in your search.