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Everything posted by eljefe417

  1. I'm headed for Sodus this weekend, staying for the week... great report, thanks! Haven't been able to make it up for a couple of years... just hope the kids get to hook into a couple...
  2. Funny, I've been so busy at work lately that I haven't had any time for the boat. I just got on here now and you guys posted within the last 4 hours. Strange timing... Anyway, instead of the Garelick 71094 I think that I'm going with the 71091. It has the same travel but can handle heavier motors, it seems. Cheaper, too... The only difference that I noticed is that the 71094 is 11 1/2" wide and the 71091 is 8 1/8" wide. The clamps on my 15 hp are 5 1/4" wide.
  3. Thanks again, all... I ended up buying a 2011 Mercury 15hp 4- stroke long shaft. The guy threw in a bunch of extra stuff (cables, controls, extra starter, electric start, extra pull start, etc...) all for $900. I'm definitely taking your advice and will be buying a solid aux motor bracket!
  4. I'm seeing a lot of the aux motor brackets on Ebay that are much cheaper than online motor shops...
  5. Thank you all for your thoughts! I haven't had a chance to think about this recently, apparently, I'm "essential". I have a local guy that has a Tohatsu 15hp long shaft with electric start, tilt and controls for $900. I just messaged him for the model year. He says that it's been properly serviced, etc, etc...
  6. Rest In Peace... Sent from my SM-G935P using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Hey all, I am planning on adding a kicker motor and want to get your opinions...I run a 1988 Grady White 204c (225hp) and plan on either a 9.9hp or a 15hp. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance... Sent from my SM-G935P using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Got the decals in the mail, by the way... thanks! Now I'm representing down here in S.E. Pennsylvania...
  9. Yeah, these toolbags were only about 100 yards off of the shore...
  10. My buddy is probably coming straight to Pulaski tomorrow. He will be letting me know in the morning what time he's leaving. Where are you located? He'll be shooting straight up 81. Sent from my SM-G935P using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. Never even thought of that...good idea.
  12. I'd like to order 3... Paypal, preferably... Thanks
  13. We got up here on Sunday evening and have been watching boats constantly ripping around, on plane, up and down Sodus Bay. I would say that 95% of these people are ignoring the restrictions...
  14. I booked a charter out of Sodus Point for Friday afternoon...
  15. Ha! I actually texted him yesterday and told him to go up to the firehouse and get the heavy cutters or the Jaws of Life.
  16. Well....I ended up leaving her at home. An hour on the road and full on regret set in, of course. I talked to a buddy from up this way and he said the no wake zone was still in effect. Strike one. Talked to the owner of the house/dock and they said a previous renter brought their boat and docked it but the bigger waves beat it up. Strike two. Had to divert during our trip up adding a few hours to the trip. Strike three. Of course, since we arrived I've been watching people water skiing, tubing and just generally tearing around the bay. WTF? So, my other buddy is supposed to come up Wednesday. I called him and told him to run by my place and bring the boat with him. Unfortunately, before I left the house, I put a new locking pin on the trailer and the keys are sitting in my center console. Here. With me. FML. THANKS ANYWAY EVERYONE!
  17. I'm heading up to Sodus Bay on Sunday from Philly area. Might be able to come through Syracuse area. I'm still trying to work out the details...
  18. Thanks, all. We are up on the east side, south of Eagle Island. I guess that was part of my hesitation, the long run out to the lake. I'll be stuck dropping in and pulling out basically by myself. (My wife is less than useless...lol) I've got a buddy coming up on Wednesday so maybe you're right, any fishing is better than no fishing. Sent from my SM-G935P using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. If you can meet on Sunday, I'll take them. Sent from my SM-G935P using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Hey all, I'm heading up to Sodus Bay this Sunday and staying for a week with the family. The cottage we have rented has a dock but, it is now under water. I have a 20' Grady that I was gonna drag up and dock it there. Question is, is it worth dragging up from philly area if I'm going to need to drop in and out everytime I want to go out? Thanks for your thoughts... Sent from my SM-G935P using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. Yeah? Well.... I've been stuck at work. So.... there's that.
  22. Working???? How dare you! Thanks.
  23. Ditto
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