I'm going to give it a go tomorrow morning. Plan is to fish the trench area, I will post a report, but I'm a newbie at the trolling game we will see how it goes
Sounds like a promising report, I'm a newbie at the trolling game and the lack on info makes learning it difficult. My plan for this weekend is to fish around stony island and stony point
Sounds like a promising report, I'm a newbie at the trolling game and the lack on info makes learning it difficult. My plan for this weekend is to fish around stony island and stony point
Anyone fishing the Henderson or sandy creek area?. I see alot of chatter from around Rochester but nothng for the eastern side of the lake. Gonna get out this weekend and looking for a decent starting point
I went out of Dexter on Friday since the wind was blowing hard i figured I wouldn't be able to get out in chaumont. My intentions where to fish the entrance of the river if the bay was to rough. Well the bay was rolling so I stayed in the river. Managed to catch my first walleye up here, it was a monster.
I was fishing 25 fow up to about 17 or 18, made one pass and left due to the perch, didn't see much on the screen. It was my first time wallets fishing up here so I have a lot to learn.
I just can't believe how much different it is compared to erie
I will have to give them a try, usually if you keep the speed up above 1 mph the gobies and perch don't really bother you. At least that's from my experience on lake erie. I have been fishing for wallets for 15 years and never had the perch bother me as much as they did the other day. I'm used to getting one here and there but nothing like the day. I will have to get out of my comfort zone and drag some rapalas
Chamount/Henderson walleye
I grew up fishing lake erie and have always done well on the eyes with work harnesses. Tried chaumont the other day, started around the shoals in 15-20 fow, the only thing I caught were bass, and perch. Tried deeper around cheery island, and then out towards point peninsula same result. The perch were so aggressive keeping a rig down for eyes was impossible. And I was moving around 1.2 mph.
Any tips for tomorrow, gonna give it another try. Due to winds I might get stuck staying near the black river.
A traditional fish finder would be just your typical color screen or even Grey scale if you have an older or real basic model. And the side and down scan unit have a option to use the traditional screen. I'm sure there is a better name for that option though but I can't think of it.
Could have been operator error but I am pretty good with fish finders, based in my experience yes I would say useless. My color fish finders show them really good
I had a humminbird side scan bought it mainly for finding perch. I could never get it to show fish. I found myself using the traditional color fish finder alot more. The side scan and down imaginin is great for knowing what's on the bottom in regards to structure.
The booms are about 2ft long and are made out of stainless. As far as I know they are the original booms. I used them for a couple years and never really put that much that into it