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  1. Thank you and yes its hydraulic system
  2. Live in the buffalo area what would be the going price to have auto pilot installed on a 22ft center console (triumph chaos) boat
  3. How did every one do today? Heading out in the am
  4. Would like to get 10 please
  5. Where are you located ? Interested in boards
  6. Whats going on out there looking for a little info on what depth to start at. Thnxs
  7. Where are you located?
  8. Still available? Will pay shipping costs also lockport ny? Can send threw paypal
  9. Looking for 2 wire rod set ups if you got um price? Pm me
  10. Driving from over an hour away hows the waves out there. Cant do rough water with recent neck surgery. And hows the bite and suggestion on where to start looking
  11. Boated 1 lost 3 and 1 break off on meat
  12. Thought it was the same friend lol if u want to text me 801 2011 so dnt have to share in here. My name is nick
  13. U out deep joe. You know a another buddy by joe chic
  14. Most bait is 90 to 150 dwn .hows the water temp closer?
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