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Everything posted by Triumphchaos83

  1. 2face sd with stud fly try purple or pink spoons have been doing damage on them
  2. Try out deeper like 460 475 we been getting full boxes in a couple of hour out there and deeper 58 riggers spoons 75 to 90 with ff and meat Try that
  3. Can be done in a 18ft just got to pic the right days. Seen many small boats out yesterday out there to
  4. I run a 22 ft triumph was yesterday over 500 ft with 5 guy no problem but was alittle rough yesterday
  5. Where are u located around
  6. Steele 450 water just got out here was I50 to 200 no fish so ran out
  7. Olcott N e thing going on out there looking for report of what depth to fish
  8. Slow so far 1 for 2 small king so far went east working 180 turned 2 miles now head west
  9. Olcott How is the fishing n e one doing good out there 2 day plan on this after noon try and get out any pointer would be nice water depth east or west?
  10. Lost a couple big boys behind the boat had a rookie out there dropped the rod to low and gone.
  11. Sure did got some nice large and smallie up creek thou
  12. Did not even drop a rod was nasty out there 3 to fives and got stop by customs made it out to 100 ft said screw it. Not worth beat me up
  13. It119 talked to sunday it was rough out there but this what we did sat went 10 for 20 in 240 infront of wilson
  14. Thanks for info will be at it again sat and sunday doing some recon
  15. We did good yesterday day in front of wilson and west 200 to 220 but 217 seem to be the best for us we did 9 for 12 on fish 50 to 70 foot dwn riggers dipsy 3 setting 200 bac and 1.5 141 back hope this helps
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