I think 40 bass in 3 days on a lake you know well is completely doable. Wife and I do forked lake usually twice/year, and I'd say if we hit it right we can do 12-20 smallmouth and largemouth per day if we go at it hard. No giants but the occasional 4lb'er. But, no pics so it never happens I guess...... Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Wife and I do 3-4 canoe trips/year in the daks. May this year we spent 3 nights based out of fourth lake on Alger Island, July found us for 5 days on Forked Lake, late september we base out of Fish Creek Ponds with 2 side overnite trips back in planned with the canoe. Canoe campers for years, we've been all over up there. Our honeymoon was us and our lab in a leanto on 7th lake for 5 days. All our trips involve fishing. Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
A man with integrity. You weren't being a dick, you were being considerate of the other vessel. Crap happens, we've all been there. Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I don't know how close the boats were, so hard to distinguish the right move. But you were the giveway vessel, but instead you cut or tried to cut across him and you in essence forced him on a starboard course to avoid collision or avoid your lines, as he doesn't know what you got dragging behind you either. I would have slowed right down, since I had no long lines out and turned slight starboard and allowed him to continue his course, even if it messes me up. I could have judged that 500 ft when it was past and then gotten back on my course. Bottom line is you were the giveway vessel. Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Agree with Todd...everyone has the responsibility to avoid a collision no matter the rules of the road. I fish erie out of dunkirk and the catt, and sometimes there are so many boats trolling in a narrow depth range and this where I see the most fault. It amazes me at the number of boaters that don't know that when two boats are oncoming (going towards each other bow to bow) that you should turn starboard and pass port to port. I'll make my adjustment many times to starboard, they make theirs to port...so, I end up adjusting to port to avoid the collision. And some days everyone is good, and its a nice time out. Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I've had one for 5 years now, use it like a garage. But it's shaded all summer so no sun damage. I am in the southern tier snowbelt and get heavy snows. I have one of those extendable snow brooms to pull snow build-up off. If I didn't it would cave in, been close a couple times. Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
And good post Todd, you're right, just because we've been boating for years doesn't mean we know it all...we forget. Just watch a car in a round-a-bout (traffic circle) to see how confused experienced drivers can get. Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
The one you print is free, its a certificate. So its free. You guys are so glass half empty. Myself, I opted to pay for the license option, dmv sent it quickly. And the cert was FREE so printed that out. Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Well I don't understand why you would not even ask why it isn't worth it. Just because its weathered, I doubt it. Sounds like people gave you a recommendation so I assume its a reputable mechanic. He didn't perhaps say no compression? You didn't ask? Doesn't add up. Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I would be intetested to know why shop #1 felt the motor was not worth fixing?? Had to be something major wrong with the engine that they explained to you? Not making sense to me. Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app
No, negative to you chinook. This is right from the NYS boating course......... "Any vessel overtaking any other vessel must keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken. The overtaking is always the give-way vessel and the vessel being overtaken is always the stand-on vessel. This rule applies even if the overtaking vessel is propelled by wind, oars, or rubber band paddlewheel.Any vessel overtaking any other vessel must keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken. The overtaking is always the give-way vessel and the vessel being overtaken is always the stand-on vessel." Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app