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Everything posted by yogibare

  1. Cool idea! Care to text me at 716-622-6168 to start a discussion on jigging for kings? Thanks!!
  2. Hey Gill-T, You are absolutely right on what you are saying. It's no different than the fishing and hunting licenses that we pay. Those licenses go into the Conservation Fund and it can't be used for anything else but fish and wildlife programs. The same for Pittman-Robertson, Wallop-Breaux, and Dingell-Johnson - excise taxes that are collected by the Federal government and divided up among the states based on license sales, firearms sale, and more with restrictions on what the money can be spent on. It doesn't go into any general fund. It has been a very successful program and it makes you wonder what these people are thinking. These excise tax programs help to ensure there is a constant supply of funds to help keep our fishing, hunting and shooting sports supported. This is a huge deal and people should be better informed about this. Dan Ladd with NY Outdoor News hit the nail on the head ... BH
  3. ... above Niagara Falls in the upper river!
  4. Understood. I haven't been to Canada or fished in Canadian waters in 2 years!
  5. Very tough to navigate. I did not find the exemption for someone just crossing the border to fish without landing to enter Canada. It must be under a different link. Like I said, I called CBSA and they told me that if you are fishing and cross over the border, with no intention of setting foot in Canada, you don't have to call or fill out the paperwork as if you were traveling to Canadian soil.
  6. I called over to CBSA a few months ago and they told me that you do not have to call in like you did before. You can fish in Canadian waters with a Canadian fishing license. You cannot touch shore or anchor in Canada unless you report in. But if you go fishing in the Niagara River for instance, you can fish either side if you are properly licensed. Make sure you abide by their rules, too, such as with live bait.
  7. This was a nice whitefish specimen caught in early December on the Niagara Bar with Joe Cermele as part of the Meateater show. It is rare to catch one of these there, but then again no one is targeting them.
  8. In the September issue of DEC's "Fishing Line," the Lake Erie Fisheries Research Unit gave this report and it included some interesting whitefish intel: Lake Erie Coldwater Fish Community Survey - August 2021 DEC’s Lake Erie Fisheries Research Unit completed it annual assessment of the Lake Erie coldwater fish community this August. The survey catches a variety of species including lake whitefish and burbot, but its main target is lake trout and determining the status of the population compared to the restoration goals. Lake trout also provide a measure of sea lamprey wounding that helps determine the success of lakewide treatments to control their populations. While large lake trout - some weighing in excess of 22 lbs. - were the main species caught during the 2021 survey, the highlight was an abundance of lake whitefish. Lake whitefish populations in Lake Erie are increasing in recent years due to several good hatches. Worth noting was the capture of one large lake whitefish that weighed in excess of 11 pounds – larger than the state record by over half a pound!! Lake Erie is well known as a destination for its walleye and smallmouth bass fisheries, but anglers looking to catch trophy-sized lake trout that average over 10 pounds might want to add the deep waters of the Eastern Basin to their fishing wish list.
  9. They sure as heck were picked to represent a region and for Region 9 that is Niagara County (although not all Region 9 reps are from Niagara). As I mentioned earlier, these were hand-selected by DEC to represent different aspects of the fishery (streams/River, rec anglers, charter industry). "County delegates" was probably a wrong term but they they still represent a particular area of the lake to serve as a voice. However, I still can't believe you never heard of this group because Steve Hurst and company are mentioning it all of the time whenever new proposals show up for the lake. Capt. Vince noted in a post here that they had received no advance notification of the virtual meeting as a group.
  10. Two different groups Lucky 13. I said the Lake Ontario Task Group, which was pretty much hand-selected by DEC - four from each region of NY along the lake, representing 2 tributary/river guys and 2 lake guys. That is the group that DEC works with to develop new regulations for the lake and plans for the future before they even become proposals. Brainstorming sessions. You must know about this group if you are on the Monroe County FAB. For example, the representatives in Niagara County are Capt. Vince Pierleoni (lake and County Fish Board), Capt. Frank Campbell (Niagara River and county fish board), Joe Yaeger (president of LOTSA), and Scott Feltrinelli. They meet regularly with DEC. You refer to the international committee between the two countries that manage the lake. The Task Group I am referring to is not new. In fact, I believe it was formed before the international group. I know Capt. Vince is on that international group. Not sure who else. As far as the videos, under the Predator-Prey Management one, check out https://www.dec.ny.gov/fs/programs/press/LakeOntarioFisheries/PredatorPreyManagement.mp4 around the 6:25 minute mark. The total is 50,000 from NY and 50,000 from Ontario. No decision has been reached as to where those fish will be stocked. I asked that question during the video meeting. DEC would not just "throw a bone" without some solid science behind it. Yeah, I guess you dozed off ...
  11. Haha, thanks! Read it every week Rob ...
  12. Glad to see at least some people read my stuff in the Buffalo News ! There will also be a follow-up in NY Outdoor News, but there was an example of not enough time to get it into print. Some comments here about signing up for DEC press releases is one important step to stay connected, but I agree that there should be more communication to help get the word out. Did the members of the Lake Ontario Task Group know about the meeting? They are county delegates who should be one piece to the communications puzzle. They represent fishing clubs, fish boards and charter groups. If you haven't seen the videos, they were well done. When I asked one LOTSA representative why no one from the group called in or signed on (besides me), they said that they looked at the videos and didn't have any questions. Not sure if I believe that now based on these comments. I really believe that there were more DEC/USGS/Seagrant people than concerned anglers on the virtual meeting. Everyone had an opportunity to ask questions and there were some things that were not in the DEC/USGS videos. With announcements of an additional stocking of 100,000 Chinook into the lake in 2022 and an improved forage base, this should have brought many more people into the call. But if you didn't know about it ... https://buffalonews.com/outdoors/bill-hilts-jr-new-research-allows-for-lake-ontario-salmon-stocking-increases-in-2022/article_46f99152-544e-11ec-96b9-9be8cdc2ce28.html is the recap for the Buffalo News. I had the announcement in the outdoor calendar and in Scattershots on Nov. 28 to let people know about it: https://buffalonews.com/outdoors/outdoors-calendar-through-dec-21-trap-permits-regular-big-game-season-lake-trout/article_0f9b66e6-4ecb-11ec-b39f-839831f47a45.html. In this age in social media, everyone should have known about it.
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