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Everything posted by Green=go

  1. Singles are now sold. Still have the doubles with track, and base plate.
  2. Yes I still have the doubles with the track and base. The two singles are pending
  3. Sale pending on the 2 singles.
  4. PM’d you back
  5. 3 of the 4 are new. $30shipped. Swivel base was never mounted, $60 shipped.
  6. Yep. Ill pm you.
  7. Used on Lake Erie for walleye. One set comes with track, base, and mount, other 2 are singles. $175shipped for the pair with base, $80 shipped a piece for the singles. These are NOT the multi-set holders. They are the heavy duty’s that require you to pull the pin in order to adjust them. There was confusion with the prior sale, so I just want clarify. With that being said, they are back for sale.
  8. I bought this used from someone on the sight and never used it. Excellent condition. $75 shipped.
  9. 10-4 on northwoods, that's where I bought the unit, and they have cheapest price for the probe also. Knew it was a long shot but figured its worth a try.
  10. Cracked mine last year, looking for nice replacement if anyone has one. Thanks
  11. Where are you located?
  12. https://erie.craigslist.org/bpo/d/union-city-johnson-outboard/6824576067.html Dont seem like a bad deal
  13. Shimano talora is a nice rod but pricey, okuma has the blue diamond, and white diamond thats a little more affordable at about 100 bucks a piece.
  14. Yeah unless its equipped with electric start it will not have a charging system. But as mentioned you can add them relatively cheap.
  15. Steering bar much easier too to take on and off while on the water. Ez steer you can leave hooked up while transporting, but I lost some ease of steering. So i switched to the bar. Works well
  16. Nice 16 and 17. Just picked up a 19rr last week.
  17. 55 bucks shipped
  18. Have two scotty downrigger plugs and outlets, were hooked to big jons so should work on anything, 45 shipped for both. (SOLD) Two scotty ball retrievers, 20 shipped for both. Four big jon bases for rigger, or rod holder, 10 a piece shipped. Trollmaster hardware kit for yamaha 6hp-8hp, and 2008 present 9.9hp. 25 bucks shipped.
  19. https://www.michigan-sportsman.com/forum/threads/big-jon-brute-es-downriggers.617894/
  20. Looking to see if anyone has fit 4 big jon style rod holders in roughly 14.5 inches of track. I'm looking at buying a set of triples that come with that length of track and adding a 4th to each one because I have some spares laying around, instead of buying the quads for more money. Thanks in advance.
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