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Justy-Joe Sportfishing

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Everything posted by Justy-Joe Sportfishing

  1. Saratoga NY. I will ship for 175 each price. Thanks !
  2. 3- 20s left**** Saltist line counters with maybe 20 trips on them. 30s sold ****
  3. These were a mistake delivered from the factory don't wanna pay the shipping back to California. Brand new inbox 150 each. This is a $200 reel.
  4. These were a mistake delivered from the factory don't wanna pay the shipping back to California. Brand new inbox 150 each. This is a $200 reel.
  5. If you have any smaller tekotas I am interested and nice rig!
  6. I will let you know asap. Thanks!
  7. Yes it is. And I'll even take 100 bucks off
  8. Brand new in box. Asking 900
  9. Sold PM me please!
  10. Interested in kicker bracket looks beat up still function properly though?
  11. Fished OZ this past Monday. 4 bites all day. good coloration and 51 deg. surface temps. alewife around big time birds bombing everywhere dead bait floating on the surface. Every fish in town should have been all over that. What is going ON????
  12. Great fish guys! How was water clarity? Water temps? Thanks
  13. LOL ya thanks man. I feel the same...for most guys a 28ft. baha is not in the picture...especially with many out of jobs now or laid off. And like I said as long as common sense prevails over tenacity you will be just fine out there haha.
  14. Interesting. Thanks for the info Jeff. I saw you guys dip the net a few times good for you. After wind layed down we ran down to rice creek and found some fish there. Only a couple bites out on that mudline everyone was working but I figured I was doing something wrong bc it was obvious guys were catching. And we had two fish on briefly and caught a small king east side of the wall but it got too rough at one point.
  15. Amen brother. I think my dream boat would be a 20' multi specie. They fish nice and easy to rig. Inboards can turn into a headache real quick and non stop. And when it's rough it's rough. Still gotta pick your days to some extent. My buddy phil has a 26 penn yan. He wants a 28 bc he still struggles with fishing in 4-6ft. Which is common out there as you guys know. And that still isn't fun in any boat for me personally.
  16. LOL too funny guys. Well said. I swear half the fun is just not having a bunch of stuff going on to worry about. I do that all summer manage big spreads while entertaining. It's fun sometimes to just head out with just enough and see what you can get. That's what we've been doing anyway. And this time of year you can get away with it while everything is happening relatively shallow I guess.
  17. Thanks a lot man! No I got a laugh out of team red LOL. I can assure you safety is priority for me and I am a tenacious SOB but I am smarter than to push my limits too far. I have a ton of respect for you guys and no not at all. I welcome anyone who wants to fish by me is more than welcome anytime. I saw Dirty Goose go by me also...he must have been laughing his but off also watching us out there. I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and drag the big boat out next time. I realized the fish seem to be sliding deeper now and I miss my riggers. Interesting day...I was torn between fishing the obvious mud line and fishing the dirty water as it was 8 degrees warmer!? The fish we caught were all deeper, colder water. The dirty was was really baddd but we did hit the king in there so that left me wondering if the fish were there but my spread was not conducive to the conditions. I also noticed most of the boats were on the mud line so that was the obvious way to go but many guys said the bite was slow. Thoughts on this?? We did find more fish west off the mud line over 40ft. They were all on 4 colors lead which puzzled me bc I though the browns would be in the warmer water right now but maybe it's a bait thing?
  18. That would be me and I'm currently lmao. In my defense I was not going to travel far and had all appropriate safety gear. We ended up heading into fish shorelines but I had no confidence in the water clarity I had in there. Luckily the wind layed down just as we were going to pack it in. Fyi I drive 3.5 hours to fish that lake and my 21steiger is camped out in LG. So hope you dont judge me for being in that boat. But it's convenient and catches fish. I always bring an emergency motor and am a guide on LG...So not really the clown you may think I am. We did get tangled fighting a king...my gf first ever so actually I pulled all lines to fight that fish solely which was intentional. Us poor guys boated 6 smaller browns and one nice brown just shy of 10#. Ended up being a great day. Although I agree it was a bit risky at one point I was out there on a west 5 to 8 forecast. Hope you guys can respect that I enjoy all you share and have learned a lot from this site!
  19. Thanks guys! Ya wrights was open and not terribly busy.
  20. Ya she is great boat. Hard top is a bit of a Sail in big wind but other than that a great boat. Would love a king, may try a bit deeper next trip and get a couple dipsy going.
  21. Hey guys new here on the site. I run charters out on Lake George and am really getting into the Ontario game due to the lack of business right now obviously lol. 1st time out in many many years but we did OK went 6 for 10 on Brown's only fished for 2 hours. One 7lb the rest cookie cutters. Lost one 10plus. Helsinki shad husky was hot on flat lines ran 3 and 4 color down the chute with dirty white boy and yellow penguin patterns. Seemed like most fish were down...water was fairly clear though which makes sense. Everyone on this site is incredibly helpful thanks for all the tips guys! Included my steiger for you guys to check out currently home in Lake George, I bring my 16ft rowboat out to play lol easier towing Haha!
  22. Hey Guys, Switched boats and I am re-connecting my TR-1 gold. I cut the hoses and plugged with screws at the pump end. Is there a way to re-install this without having to disconnect every connection and go back through the original install process of the hydraulic system?? Thanks!!
  23. Coldwaters have been sold! I still have convectors available.
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