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October 16, 2017
Last visited
October 26, 2024
Everything posted by IrishGoodByes
Years ago I put down riggers on my pontoon boat by simply attaching them to a 2x6 and then c-clamping the 2x6 to a towing rack that was on the rear of the boat. I don’t have any good pictures of the actual clamp setup on the rack
Looks about right for summer levels
That sounds like a viable option. Tompkins isn’t too far the trailer should make it. Just have to strip it down of fluids etc. Your talking the place off rt 13 on the south side of Ithaca right?
Care to elaborate on why you feel they are superior to the glt’s?
Looking for advice on what to do with a old junk fiberglass boat. Is there any place that accepts old boats? Or a place that it can be recycled. It’s a 20’ Grady and chopping it down to take to landfill doesn’t sound appealing
Keep at em. I have had success all through the winter into spring. West wind seems to be the best for me
Location ? Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Not quite comparable but your right Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Various spoon lots. Buy one or buy them all. $150 shipped for all. Buyer pays shipping if buying individual lots. Location Auburn Ny
Lot 1 (8) Evil Eyes $16
Lot 2 (8) Pirate spoons $16
Lot 3 (12) Slammer spoons $24
Lot 4 (9) Pro kings $27
Lot 5 (26) unknown $39
Lot 6 (12) unknown $18
Lot 7 (36) random light flutter spoons andy reeker, flutter chuck, tamiron honeybee, ace etc..$50
Lot 8 (30) Nks $60
For sale are (2) brand new Amish outfitter tube caddy’s. They both come with 17- 7” long X 1 1/4” dia. clear tubes with caps. Located in Auburn Ny $60
Interested in these. PM’d you
Interested in these. PM’d you
PM’d you Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Nice report! Sounds like your picking things up pretty quickly. As far as pulling hooks. I have the same luck with trebles pulling out more often than singles as well. I still stick with the trebles for the most part though because the singles tend to poke right through the eyes and brains of a lot of the smaller silvers. Some day’s it seems a lot of fish are just short striking and there’s not much you can do about it. One thing that comes to mind is the type of release you are using and how easy/hard it is to release the line when getting a hit. Harder the release the better the hook up usually Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Way to go! You guys crushed them. Tell Chance we should hook up and go out and get some silver soon! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Got a link for the crestliner ? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Looking for two cannon mounting blocks for the older hs electrics Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Great looking spoons! Are these blanks close to the thickness of a stinger?( on the lighter side) Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Nice work! Heard from a buddy the bite was no where to be found on Sunday after a decent outing the day before as well. Good to see a king over here on the east end. Was it in tight with the browns? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Anyone see the dock situation recently? Are they allowing you to launch? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United