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Ready or Knot

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About Ready or Knot

  • Birthday 05/14/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Frewsburg N.Y.
  • Home Port
    Barcelona N.Y. Olcott N.Y.
  • Boat Name
    Ready or Knot

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  1. I have a 12v power drive 55 lb that i would sell. Was a backup motor with very little use. Send me a txt if interested 716 7zero8 8six49
  2. Do you have the cover over the temp probes on the probe itself ? Have they been damaged in anyway ?
  3. Just had some cv30s serviced and drags upgraded. The factory drags were indeed carbon drags. Was informed that the biggest issue with these reels is the lack of a quality drag grease such as Cals not the drag washers themselves.FWIW. like night and day difference !
  4. Call Gallagher Charter lakes and try them out
  5. I know this isnt the exact boat you are looking for but a friend of mine has a 280 fisherman for sale. New 454 engine and transom and stringers were done recently. Price is right and is in decent condition.
  6. Shawn Bartnett. Bartnett marine services Does a very good job
  7. Manns stretch 25. Rainbow. Great lake erie walleye bait back in the old days. Have several of them.
  8. Take a real good look at the tips of the fuel inlet needles and if they show grooving they should be replaced. This may also be causing your leak. Good luck to ya !
  9. Went through this a year or so ago. If you want a pilot that really works well make the switch to hydraulic steering. It will be about 1000 to do this and 2000 or so for the pilot unit depending on what you get brand wise. Had 3500 in mine. Imo i dont see where you will save alot going the kicker route by the time you get pilot unit kicker bracket etc... Only to find out that it wont perform that well when its rough. For what its worth. Good luck to you
  10. You will need the magnum size inlines to run long coppers like a 400. Swap out front release to a Sams pro set up to trip as it is no fun when a big king takes the board under 😬😬 . My 2 cents
  11. You can also call Cummings directly. They will make anything you want as far as hoop size and net depth. Handles are available up to 16 ft believe it or not. Got 2 from them a few years ago. Price was right and nearly indestructible
  12. Anyone have a or multiple machine shops they would recommend? I want to get my block and crank checked and machined? what motor do you have ?
  13. Shawn Bartnett. Bartnett marine services 585 624 1380. Did a boat for me last fall. Very thorough
  14. Will get him to post info on it
  15. Buddy has a 27 tiara for sale if that would work ?
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