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Everything posted by Hachimo

  1. Tomarrow I will go to the range amd shot it off my ledsled. (ledsled wasnt workin off the tailgate. Lol). Should i maybe buy a pack of white hotts and try shootin 3pellets bein I have 300gr sst’s? Maybe just try a second powder source. Or keep to blackhorn209. The online ballistics of 300gr sst call for 3 pellets or 150gr
  2. Theres 3rds 2ftlow and right 2ft just off the pic in a 3”group just off the pic. They were first 3 rounds before I touched the scope
  3. Got home today at 5:00pm and my gun was sitting on the porch. By the time i got it unboxed and everything together it was 6:00 and only had an hour before it got dark. Using remington primers,110gr blackhorn 209 (with new breech plug), Hornady sst 300gr. Fired 10ish rounds before it got dark at 100yrds off my tailgate behind the house. First 7 i was adjusting scope. It was gettin dark so I left scope low and a little left justso I can see a group. Quitehappy with last three rounds(which are the 3 low left). What do u guys think? I didnt change powder at all yet.
  4. Very cool. I wish hachimo had them abilitys. Hes great to take fishing on the boat where he sleeps the entire trip. Lol
  5. Sure does. I got the all black mountain Rifle from muzzleloaders.com. Just ordered it yeaterday and paid two days shippen so the guy said i will have it friday. They were out of stock with the powder plug but just found one online trou cabelas and had that 2 day shipping. Gonna try a 110gr by volume blackhorn 209, cci mag primers and 250gr sst. Shot a few rounds at 150yrds and c how it does. Think thats a good startin point?
  6. Is this what your shooting?
  7. Thanks for the reply brian. Looks like I gotta get that new breech plug to shoot powder. Did u guys put the new breech plug in your accuras?
  8. I really want to shot pellets and atay away Powder. Your load is what i been reading on lots of forumns. Only issue. I can’t find anyone with nitride powder adapter breech plug. Evrywhere i looked so far is on backorder. thanks for responding fellas
  9. So I’m new to muzzleloaders. Hunted last year with the flintlock for the first time and with PA having the early muzzleloader bear season I gotta get out. Just ordered the cva accura MR today from muzzleloaders.com. Paid the express shipping so i will have it friday. That gives me one week to select a load and get it sighted in. I want to be able to get out 150-200yrds. Anyone out there shooting an accura with a consistent load? I search other forums online and got ideas, but some of u guys I know and trust, and maybe Ur loads will work withmy rifle. thanks for any imput. Mike
  10. Hachimo is a real piece of work let tell ya. I polished all the plastic window frames and layed them on the ground to dry. Then he piss’s on them. maybe he was tellin me I missed a spot.
  11. Today I’m starting the port side. Starboard is all waxed and ready for decals. This pic shows a good before and after
  12. Very cool! Thats something to b proud of. I might have blew a few knocks off here and there but never seen that. If something crosses her path its goin down! great work.
  13. these are two eights the wife and I got in 2016. 1week after closing on my new property she shot her first deer(on left) two weeks later i got an eight followed by a 180lb bore a week later. All archery kills. Finally finished my firplace so can get them on display.
  14. Good luck with the search. Took me 2 years to find a 280weekender in good condition. Very happy with it. Glad I didnt settle for anything less.
  15. Awesome. I did the same with spoons a while back and before the season starts again And i go trou everything i will have more gear to give away. Sometimes it feels better to help someone just starting off rather then tryin to get a few nickels for old gear. I was helped alot durrin my start up so I try n pass it forward.
  16. I’m tryin to look at this from both sides. (Land owner and hunter) Part of me thinks guy is a genius. Other part an a**hole. I own 12 acres and caretaker of 57 right next to me prime hunting. A guy who lives an hour away and hunted the property for 20years was on my land. Settin up a treestand and i caught him and politely asked him what hes doin. He was real cocky amd disrespectful With the whole i been here 20years so he got the boot and I had to forcfully remove him from my property. Next week I found the stand in another tree. I cut the tree down on top of it. Left a tresspasing sign with my number on it askin to clean up his treestand. He never called or cleaned it up. A 65old neighbor came to me after i purchased the property. His family owned the entire mtn. Years ago and slowly sold off parcels and past 25years he hunted behind my house. Bein he asked how he did I gave him permission. Sometimes people think just becouse they hunted an area for 20years there able to hunt there forever , and give new landowners issues. i like the idea becouse most likely almost everyone who passes the sign is gonna call. As a landowner it gives u the idea of how many people are on your property , but on the other side i could feel the pain of havin posted signs go up just before huntin season at an area you hunted for 20years. Then see that sign and it gives ya a little hope, just to get shutdown. Pretty cruel. I rarely hunt my land. Usually only bear and deer archery. Spend most my time in state gamelands miles from anyone to minimize interference. I always tell trespassers “theres enough state land for everyone to hunt”.
  17. Got the back and starboard sides done so far. Came out better then expected. With the right light i can almost shave usin the boat as a mirror
  18. Bear is lookin great this year. Just walked my land behind the house and seen two sets of mothers and cubs together. 7bear in total. There off limits thou. There like my pets. They were all together. Never seen that before but the mothers are sisters. My wife shot there mother 3years ago. Broke our hearts when the cubs came 5min after she released her arrow. We WILL NOT shot mother with cubs. I have game cam pics of the two of them together with a bore gettin it on. Ever see a Bear threesome?Lolhe did his job and passed his seed to both it looks. Been scoutin my swamps in the gamelands the past two weeks and seein a great Oak crop and moderate hickory and lots of bear sign. Looks promising for muzzleloader season. As far as deer. I’m after a nice swamp donkie that outsmarted me weekely last year. I went to the last day of flintlock after christmas after him and seen him almost daily but no confident shot. I already filled my tag out for him this year
  19. Very nice buddy. I’m starin to think u guys have bigger bucks in NY then we do In Pa
  20. Good bye to my brand new spypoint camrea Had it in the woods for 3 days. Sent this pic and hasn’t made contact since. Looks like i gotta walk the 1.5hrs trou a swamp to pick up the pieces. Every year i loose a camrea to a bear, but then again I put 4-5 camreas in places specifically to find bear.
  21. That sounds like something I’m gonna look into. Ur not leadin me in a “Misdirection” mr. Misdirection are u? Lol
  22. I have a sandblaster but no way is that animal blastin my boat. Lol. I blast bulldozers and heavy equipment and can’t back down the psi’s enough. A cheap sandblaster may do the trick thou. Thanks for the idea thou. I might grab one to save a little time
  23. Well people say its “Bad Luck” to change a boat name. I don’t believe in luck. Believe more in Karma and what cones around goes around. So the wife and I been discussing knew names since we bought it in late July. I Want something original and has somewhat of a meaning. Not easy nameing a boat. So far I’m leaning toward “BloodLine”. I havent seen that name on a boat around but I’m sure its out there. Who knows but as of now its BloodLine.
  24. So I thought it would be pretty cool to start a topic and post my progress along the way. Originally I was gonna sand it down and paint it becouse of how oxidized it was but after doin a little wetsanding I brought a small area back to its original beauty, and decided to wetsand and buff the entire rig. (Also the boat wont fit in my 14ft high garage if I pour the floor cause the door is 12ft high and I wont spray without a concrete floor) My plans for the boat is to wetsand all topside paint with 1000grit, then 1500,followed by 2500. Then use a medium cut polish and pad on the buffer, then light cut pad and polish quick, followed by a glaze with final pad. Bottom side will get hit by 80grit on the DA to take off years of paint then brush on new bottompaint. The entire cuddy has been scrubbed and cleaned spotless. Spent 8hrs with the carpet shampoer and it looks like new. So I’m 2 weeks into it now Wet Sanding everyday 3-4hrs after work. I finished the entire back. Removed decals, Wetsand ,and polish. Looks great. That was last week. So far this week I have the starboard side of the hull done with 1000grit and startin the 1500grit tomarrow after work. Definitely alot of work doin this to a boat of this size, but the finished product is definitely worth it. I think it may even be more time consuming then if i sanded, filled the scratches, and painted. But definitely cheaper. I painted my 1986 trophy 2460 4years ago and between sanding,filling,painting,buffing I was around 50hrs on it. I’m thinkin with wetsanding the Baha I will be close to double that.
  25. Very cool. I almost needed a tow my first trip with my 28ft baha. Lost a battery and starboard engine. Luckily my port engine got me back. Fixed thay issue quick. But I’m definitely confident If I need a tug back in, it wouldn’t take long. Just pay it forward. When a call goes out someone needs a tow, do what this fella did for you. Who knows, maybe this guy was paying it forward himself. good stuff.
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