I don't recommend slapping any wire lines on water due to risk of fatigue induced failures on the wire itself (think of bending a paperclip back and forth, it work hardens and eventually snaps). It is effective though with braid and mono.
If you find you're accumulating fleas on the line - one of the tips I picked up on here that works really well is to take a paint stir stick and apply 4-6 inches of the hook-side of hook and loop material (the hard half of velcro tape) to it. When you get your line in to the boat, rub the bristles back and forth on the fleas and they shed off quite nicely. Results are best when orienting the bristle rows perpendicular to the line, Don't go crazy (you usually don't need to), and keep an eye on your line (especially braided line) to make sure you're not damaging it. I've used this method with great success for a few years now, with no signs of damage to any of my lines/leaders/etc. Once you get a feel for it, it's a quick and easy way to de-flea, and a lot faster/cleaner than using your hands or a rag.
30 lb mono works best, steel wire diver is pretty decent, and braid is awful, when it comes to the fleas.
If you find you're getting fleas all over the sides or back of your boat, I've found the portable 12v washdown pumps to be great for cleaning them off before they dry and become a problem. Works GREAT for fish slime/blood also. Less slime/blood on the boat = less flies too!
For those not on the pm train....
went out of olcott for part of the day. Very slow. Lots of grumpy fisherpeoples!
Had a few hits, 2 jumped off before getting to boat, but at least we didn't come back empty handed.
Most marks were in close, 80-125ish. No rhyme or reason on hits, most were smaller. Temp varied from 58 to 62 (later) at surface.
29 inch, 70 lb draw right handed bow with real tree edge camo. 1200 obo. New with tag, never shot. Bow only. Contact details and photos on classifieds listing on this site. Sent from my SM-G986U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Brand new Matthews V3X bow, part number MJCR29HL
New, never fired 2022 model
V3x 29" 70lb draw with realtree edge camo pattern. Right handed.
1200 obo
Text 7162082991
Serious inquiries only please.
Note: I'm listing this for a relative. If you text, I won't see text details. If you message me here, I'll forward info to him, but please include your contact info for him to reach out with arrangement details / questions.
Additional photos available via number listed above.
TONS of marks at the bar. Maybe they were too far west for you. Good luck catching any though.... been a real rough year on this end for me at least. Last year was totally different, not sure why. Attached screen out at Niagara bar today. About 50 boats on the water. Fished 8-1, saw maybe 4 nets move. One guy landed a nice one and belly flopped it right back onto water after hauling it in from deep, cormorant was on it within ten seconds as it floated at surface after not getting a chance to recover. Best was some guy with planer boards out 60 feet on either side beeping at all the other boats to get out of his way guessing he was having a rough go and sun was wearing on him. Anyhow...marks are everywhere at the drop. Good luck figuring them out though. Sent from my SM-G986U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
New, never used. Some shelf wear. 6'6" single pc rod, cork handle. IM6 Lightning Rod. Medium casting rod, lure 1/4-3/4. Trilene 8-20 lb titanium ss304 guides 25 p/u in west seneca ny Sent from my SM-G986U1 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Had a handful of small kings on the bar today. Threw them back. Had 2 big hits, one broke 30 lb leader (nicked?) Another got loose quickly. Seems slow on west end of Lake. Caught one in 320, down 80, others were in 90-120 fow, depths from 50 to 80. Seems real slow this year compared to years prior. Not sure what's going on. Keep thinking about just going for walleye on erie at this point....